Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#343 closed flight processing

GB08/19, 154a/2010, London day — at Initial Version

Reported by: jb362 Owned by:
Priority: alpha 5 Milestone: 2010 data processing completion
Component: Archiving Keywords:
Cc: iopa@… Other processors:


Data location: users/rsg/airborne/workspace/GB08_19-2010_154a_London_day

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 08/06/2010.

Scientific objectives:

  1. explore the use of airborne remote sensing (hyperspectral imaging, thermal infrared measurement and LiDAR) for paramterising models of the urban surface energy balance
  2. to determine the degree of agreement between the output of such models and traditional in situ energy balance measures (which provide excellent accuracy but poor or no spatial detail)
  3. to assess the thermal anisotropy of the three dimensional urban surface structure as it relates to modelling urban energy balances and observing the urban radiation balance
  4. use the same data to explore patterns of urban heat island intensity that directly impact human comfort/health

Priority: a5

PI: M. J. Wooster


  • Eagle
  • Hawk
  • Leica LIDAR

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