#411 closed flight processing (fixed)
EUFAR11/07, flight day 220/2011, Toledo
Reported by: | knpa | Owned by: | knpa |
Priority: | alpha 4 high | Milestone: | 2011 data processing completion |
Component: | Archiving | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Other processors: |
Description (last modified by knpa)
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2011/flight_data/spain_portugal/EUFAR11_07-2011_220_Toledo/
Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 16/08/2011
EUFAR11_07 Scientific objective:
Soil erosion study.
Priority: a4h
PI: Thomas Schmid
Camera (18/11/11)
Eagle (18/11/11)
Hawk (18/11/11)
LiDAR (18/11/11)
Change History (37)
comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by knpa
- Summary changed from EUFAR11_07, flight day 220/2011, Toledo to EUFAR11/07, flight day 220/2011, Toledo
comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
We have received the data referenced above.
comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
- Owner set to knpa
- Status changed from new to assigned
Beginning LiDAR processing.
comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Completed IPAS processing.
Unfortunately result was is less than satisfactory for the first flightline, where the arsf basestation loses it's fix. This could be not improved upon by adding the permanent basestations. The 1-second data from the permanent stations are unavailable for this day apart for SONS (which is a little way away).
comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Slight horizontal discrepancies which looked like it was caused by a pitch error.
Changed pitch from -0.00324419 to -0.003 which fixed the problem.
comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
This flight suffers from roll error. It is not particularly severe though: there will be a vertical error of approximately 10cm at the edge of the swath width.
The roll discrepancy is not constant between flightlines so will not attempt to correct. Unsure if the error is random. Early flightlines have a positive roll discrepancy but this then seems to switch to negative by the fourth flightline.
comment:8 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
The first cross line (14:33) has a large discrepancy with other lines - approximately 45cm.
comment:9 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
There is a lot of noise for this flight.
comment:10 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Finished QC, preparing delivery.
comment:11 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
- Description modified (diff)
comment:12 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
LiDAR ready for delivery check:
comment:13 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Eagle line 1 is missing dark lines.
comment:14 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Eagle line 1 number of lines in header was incorrect, have corrected from 6351 to 6352.
comment:15 Changed 13 years ago by jaho
LiDAR delivery check:
- No README_DEM_MAY_NOT_BE_ACCURATE.txt in dem directory.
- Description in dem hdr files doesn't match the names of the files.
- There seems to be an issue similar to that with LiDAR data from Italy. The flights have been flown at altitude of over 5000 meters (16000 feets) and the intensity values are very low, mostly below 50 and AGC is 255 for most of the points.
Otherwise ready to go.
comment:16 Changed 13 years ago by jaho
Started camera processing.
comment:17 Changed 13 years ago by jaho
Removed camera images 1 to 9 - taken before the flight.
comment:18 Changed 13 years ago by jaho
Removed camera images 10 to 12 - overexposed.
comment:19 Changed 13 years ago by jaho
Camera ready for delivery check.
comment:20 Changed 13 years ago by jaho
Rechecked LiDAR. Looks excellent. Ready to deliver.
comment:21 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
e | h |
1 -0.02 | -0.07 |
2 -0.03 | -0.02 |
3 -0.05 | -0.06 |
4 -0.04 | -0.06 |
5 -0.06 | -0.02 |
6 -0.05 | -0.05 |
7 -0.02 | -0.06 |
8 -0.08 | -0.04 |
comment:22 Changed 13 years ago by adbe
RCD delivery check: No problems, ready to deliver
comment:23 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Hyperspectral complete and ready for delivery check at 'EUFAR11_07-220-hyperspectral-20111116'
comment:24 follow-up: ↓ 25 Changed 13 years ago by jaho
Checked hyperspectral.
An outstanding delivery except few minor issues:
- Incorrect DEM name in hdr file
- The name of DEM file in the ReadMe for example aplcorr command doesn't match the name of the DEM in dem/ directory.
- No mention of blank first and last bands in eagle files under quality remarks in the ReadMe
- There seems to be some variation of the SCT values within the flightlines between different bands(?). Eagle bands: 154-156, hawk bands: 68-74 and 153-168.
comment:25 in reply to: ↑ 24 Changed 13 years ago by benj
Replying to jaho:
- There seems to be some variation of the SCT values within the flightlines between different bands(?). Eagle bands: 154-156, hawk bands: 68-74 and 153-168.
We had this issue once before (can't find the reference now) - after investigation we believe it to be an artifact of how fastqc displays bands with different relative signal levels, not a problem with the actual data.
comment:26 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Fixed the other minor issues mentioned above. Putting on disk to be delivered with LiDAR and RCD.
comment:27 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
- Component changed from Processing: general to Archiving
- Description modified (diff)
All sensors delivered today (18/11/11) to Thomas Schmid at Ciemat in Spain.
comment:28 Changed 13 years ago by emca
PI visited ARSF 1-2nd Dec and took a copy of the LiDAR, Camera and Hyperspectral deliveries.
We also re-created an expanded LiDAR/ASTER DEM as the one within the delivery did not completely cover the flightlines for apl processing.
comment:29 Changed 13 years ago by mark1
Hyperspectral hawk bad pixel files and XML files have been re-created and re-delivered to PI (via email). This corrects sample number in bad pixel text files and Eagle IFOV value in XML and extra comments included.
comment:30 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Beginning archiving.
comment:31 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Prepared for archiving. Will make available to NEODC once we've sorted out our new procedure.
comment:32 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Archived by NEODC, moved to archive disk.
comment:33 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
- Status changed from assigned to accepted
comment:34 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from accepted to closed
comment:35 Changed 7 years ago by dac
Mapped hyperspectral data and created new delivery by hardlinking old one and adding mapped files to it.
comment:36 Changed 7 years ago by asm
Mapped files were not present in the hyperspectral delivery. Created the mapped files and a new delivery in order to create as well JSON files for the EUFAR flight finder tool. New delivery and JSON files are being uploaded to CEDA (started on 15/01/2018).
comment:37 Changed 7 years ago by asm
Upload finished, CEDA notified on 18/01/2017.
We are currently awaiting Basestation data from Thomas Schmid.