Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#593 new flight processing

GHOST navigation data

Reported by: stgo Owned by: stgo
Priority: immediate Milestone: 2015 data processing completion
Component: Processing: general Keywords:
Cc: Other processors:


Navigation processing for days 143 and 147 navigation data relating to the GHOST project

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by stgo

Day 147

Using MORP (Morpeth) base station from IGS, this is the closest base station possible to the survey area and the only non corrupt data available.

PPP processing:

Lat 55 12 46.05085
Long -1 41 07.77766
Height 144.312

Navigation solution initially contains a separation error of ~20 cm, will continue trying to end of day to improve.

Edit: Mixed up ppp processing outputs

Last edited 10 years ago by stgo (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by stgo

Day 143

Using MORP (Morpeth) base station from IGS, this is the closest base station possible to the survey area and the only non corrupt data available.

PPP processing:

Lat 55 12 46.05074
Long -1 41 07.77762
Height 144.332

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by stgo

Day 113

Can't get a quality level of above 2, resulting in accuracy we can't be certain about. Trying PPP. High level of satellites

Day 147

Managed separation of 20cm with quality level 1, still trying to improve. This has a low level of satellites available.

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by stgo

Day 113
PPP processing resulted in 7 cm position accuracy on easting and northing, 10 cm on height. Separation is 20 cm for north and 5 cm for east, 80 cm for height.

Without basestation data this cannot be improved much, only basestation data available results in larger separation and worse accuracy.

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by stgo

Day 147

Estimated position accuracy is 5 cm on north and east, height is 7 cm. The separation cannot be improved beyond 20cm, PPP doesn't improve the data so will continue with Morpeth basestation.

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