Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#637 new flight processing

CA18/208, flight day 224a/2018, Ontario, Canada

Reported by: dac Owned by:
Priority: immediate Milestone:
Component: Processing: general Keywords:
Cc: Other processors:

Description (last modified by dac)

Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2018/flight_data/canada/CA18_207-2018_224a_Ontario

Data arrived from NERC-ARF via hard driver on 12/09/2018

Scientific objective: Canadian Wildfire Observations with SLSTR & Aircraft: Directional Effects of Thermally Emitted Radiation & Exploration of Flaming/Smouldering Partitioning and Plume Trace Gas Emission Ratios. Fenix and Owl data are being processed to aid geocorrection of other thermal sensors flown on the aircraft.

PI: Martin Wooster

BAS Project Code: D207

  • Labelled as 223b (local time) but renamed as 224a (UTC)
  • Missing navigation synchronisation data
  • Navigation data (.sol format) and level1b (unmapped) data to be delivered first. The level1b data will be used to determine which lines map.


  • Fenix (requested, flown)
  • Owl (requested, flown)

Change History (11)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by dac

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by asm

Unpacking checks

-There are 8 owl lines and 8 fenix, navigation files don't have timestamps. Will need to find SCTs manually.
-There are no T2 calibration files

Last edited 6 years ago by asm (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by asm

Owl Processing

Will symlink the T2 calibration file from 224b into all files of this project to see if we can process the data with some luck and give some usable features in the owl level3 data to geocorrect other projects.
Please have in mind this dataset can only be used for geocorrection purposes because of that, the radiometric accuracy will be inexistent and the processing might not be able to identify all blinking pixels (so will remain in the data).

comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by asm

Owl Processing

Creating level1b files.

comment:5 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Nav Processing

  • Data from May included, there has been split.
  • Issues conducting PPP processing: "Could not find DCB Epoch wiyhin 16 weeks of GPS week 2014". Processed data is then not visible in GUI - basestation has no coordinates.
  • Will start to process 224b to determine it its basestation data is different. If the data is different, processing will be continued to determine if the same errors are encountered or not.

comment:6 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Nav Processing
Basestation PPP identified as:

Ellipsoid Height346.797

Previous issue resolved by updating GrafNav files.

comment:7 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Nav Processing
GNSS/IMU data has been processed using IPAS TC.
Potential isuses:

  • Position separation is not what is desired (appox. x: -0.5 to -0.4, y: -0.8 to -0.2, z: -0.6 to -0.1). Values look good before data acquisition.
  • Ambiguity fix is 0 during data aquisition (no improvement with L2 Phase Cycle values of -0.25, 0.00, +0.25, +0.50).

comment:8 Changed 6 years ago by asm

Owl Processing

The Specim processing tool was unable to radiometrically correct the owl files using the T2 calibration files from another project. Data can't be used, will block further processing for this dataset.

comment:9 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Fenix/Owl Processing
SRTM DEM generated.

comment:10 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Fenix Processing
Flight was at night. Will produce mapped Owl flightlines to get SCT values for Fenix.

comment:11 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Fenix & Owl Processing
All Owl lines are missing T2 calibration files. Processing with T2 files from 224b was unsuccessful and the data does not show clear features. With the Owl data being in such poor quality, it therefore cannot be used as a reference to find the SCT values for the Fenix (navigation sync failed).
Only Fenix flightlines 2 & 3 clearly show parts of fire.
Will not process Fenix data further.

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