Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#692 new flight processing

Owl test flight, flight day 178a/2022, Alconbury

Reported by: wja Owned by:
Priority: immediate Milestone:
Component: Processing: general Keywords:
Cc: Other processors:


Owl with adjustable roll. PhaseOne Also flown but data not received yet.

Received 28/06/2022 via FTP.

Change History (14)

comment:1 Changed 2 years ago by wja


Running check: arsf_check_library.checks.check_nav_last_frame                                                        
Error in /users/rsg/arsf/usr/lib/python/site-packages/arsf_unpacking/ : write_message: There is
 a timestamp for line number 9917 that does not makes sense                                                          
difference with the next timestamp is negative                                                                       
Warning - The last timestamp in file: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2022/flight_data/uk/owl_test-2022_178a_Alconbury/ther
is for line/frame number 1094 from a total of 19559 lines                                                            
There should be a timestamp each ~168 lines                                                                          

Warning - The last timestamp in file: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2022/flight_data/uk/owl_test-2022_178a_Alconbury/ther
is for line/frame number 9917 from a total of 10269 lines                                                            
There should be a timestamp each ~168 lines                                                                          
Failed to convert time string to seconds: 

Warning - The last timestamp in file: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2022/flight_data/uk/owl_test-2022_178a_Alconbury/ther
is for line/frame number 9917 from a total of 11665 lines                                                            
There should be a timestamp each ~168 lines                                                                          

Will check last frame numbers from hdr files vs last timestamp from nav files
Finished checking last frame numbers from hdr files vs last timestamp from nav files

Running check: arsf_check_library.checks.check_logs
Error in /users/rsg/arsf/usr/lib/python/site-packages/ : get_sensor: Unidentified software for
 sensor in hdr - Neither RSCUBE (fenix) nor Lumo (owl)                For file /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2022/flight_
data/uk/owl_test-2022_178a_Alconbury/thermal/owl/owl_renamed_2022178a_20220628_143149.log                 First line 
of log reads -> INFO:root:
Error in /users/rsg/arsf/usr/lib/python/site-packages/arsf_unpacking/ : write_message: Cant ide
ntify the sensor - The following file might be corrupt: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2022/flight_data/uk/owl_test-2022_1

Same errors are previous flight regarding some sort of overflow happening with the framecounting.
Also warning about missing controller name in the header files.

comment:2 Changed 2 years ago by wja

Owl Processing

All bands processed to level1b

comment:3 Changed 2 years ago by wja

Navigation Processing

Have processed IPAS navigation on IPAS TC (this is the nav system attached to the Owl).

SNEO (OS) basestation used, precise ephemeris and clock accessed from CDDIS, lever arms were estimated as ~-0.06, variable, -1.45.

Position seperation is not great - largely within ~+/- 0.2 in X, Y & Z.

comment:4 Changed 2 years ago by wja

Owl Processing

3 band mapped bands look good. Mapping all bands.

comment:5 Changed 2 years ago by wja

Owl Processing

All bands mapped.

comment:6 Changed 21 months ago by wja

Owl Delivery

Creating delivery

comment:7 Changed 21 months ago by wja

Owl Delivery

Awaiting delivery check

comment:8 Changed 20 months ago by asm

Owl Delivery Check


comment:9 Changed 20 months ago by asm

Owl Delivery Check

The DEM file does not correspond with this project code (it is GB22_00 and should be GB22_01). Because of that, check_apl_cmd is not working. Also worth checking if the DEM is indeed for this area.
All other checks have been run and everything passed the tests:
-This is UTM30 instead of OSNG following request of PI (might be worth noting here on ticket)
-Mapped files have align nicely
-This is a flight with different off nadir angles
-Screenshots and xml files look good
-Data looks good on fastQC
-All other checks are fine

I will re-run check_apl_cmd once the DEM has been corrected and that should make this delivery ready to be delivered.

comment:10 Changed 20 months ago by wja

Owl Delivery

DEM project code updates (sorry about that).

Rerunning check_apl_cmd locally, will let you know when it's done.


comment:11 Changed 20 months ago by wja

check_apl_cmd run successfully.

comment:12 Changed 20 months ago by dac

Owl Delivery
Outputs from check_apl_cmd look good - ready to go.

comment:13 Changed 18 months ago by wja


Sent to PI via FTP

comment:14 Changed 18 months ago by wja


Finalised delviery.

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