Opened 23 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#698 new flight processing

Owl Test, flight day 186a/2022, Duxford

Reported by: wja Owned by:
Priority: immediate Milestone:
Component: Processing: general Keywords:
Cc: Other processors:


Owl on mount with adjustable roll.

Received via FTP 30/08/22/

Change History (14)

comment:1 Changed 23 months ago by wja

Unpacking Checks

Raw applanix data appears corrupted (along with 186b). Callum reported that there are errors with the unit writing via USB so had to resort to ethernet.

No issues flag with old IPAS system (on adjustable Owl mount) at this point.

comment:2 Changed 23 months ago by wja

Nav Data

We recieved this flight's data too late to access basestation data from the OS's FTP. I have put a request to BIGF to access 30s RINEX data for the following stations (which cover the start / end times recorded in the Owl headers).

  • PETE
  • SNEO
  • NEWR
  • STEE
  • ARDL

comment:3 Changed 23 months ago by wja

Navigation Processing

Received RINEX data from BIGF for the following stations:

  • ARDL
  • ATTL
  • NEWR
  • PETE
  • SKEE
  • SNEO
  • STEE
  • WELL


Along with broadcast ephemeris data.

BIGF will need acknowledging in data delivery.

comment:4 Changed 20 months ago by wja

Nav Processing

Completed for IPAS20 IMU (only to be used with Owl data).

Position separate in the Z axis was slightly high for a period at ~0.075 m. The position accuracy for the X & Y axes are high, at ~0.06 m.

comment:5 Changed 19 months ago by wja

Owl Processing

Currently running radiometric calibration on raw data

comment:6 Changed 19 months ago by wja

Owl Processing

Owl radiometric calibration complete.

comment:7 Changed 18 months ago by wja

Owl Processing

3 bands mapped, geoaccuracy looks okay.

Mapping all bands.

comment:8 Changed 18 months ago by wja

Owl Processing

All bands mapped.

comment:9 Changed 18 months ago by wja

Creating Owl Delivery

comment:10 Changed 18 months ago by wja

Delivery needs checking

comment:11 Changed 18 months ago by dac

Delivery Check

  • Readme looks good
  • check_apl_cmd ran through OK
  • didn't result in any errors.
  • Alignment between lines looks good. There is some distortion around the buildings at Duxford which might be fixed using a higher resolution DEM. We do have a LiDAR one so perhaps mention this when delivering.
  • Project code needs changing in line_information xml files.
  • Looking at the level1b masked files there seem a lot of pixels masked out when checking the spectra, can't remember if this is what we normally expect for Owl though.

After check of masking and fixing project code in XML good to go.

comment:12 Changed 18 months ago by wja

Ready to Deliver

XMLs updated. Masking is comparable to 2018 lines.

comment:13 Changed 18 months ago by wja

zipping mapped.

comment:14 Changed 18 months ago by wja

Delivery Sent

Delivery sent via FTP on 31/01/23.

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