Opened 14 months ago
Last modified 7 months ago
#710 new flight processing
SwathS, flight day 148/2023, Grosseto
Reported by: | jann | Owned by: | |
Priority: | immediate | Milestone: | |
Component: | Processing: general | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Other processors: |
Data location: /users/rsg/airborne/2023_arsf_data/flight_data/italy/SwathS_23-2023_148_Grosseto
Data arrived from NERC-ARF via hard drive September/October 2023
PI: Martin Wooster
Fenix1k (requested, flown)
IBIS ( main requested, flown)
OWL ( requested, flown)
Change History (17)
comment:1 Changed 14 months ago by jann
comment:2 Changed 14 months ago by wja
Navigation Processing
Basestation data converted to RINEX. All previous flights are also included in the basestation data, so just this flights data needed to be extracted (done with teqc).
GPS and GLONASS broadcast ephermides, along with precise ephemeris data accessed from CDDIS. PosPac could not access these itself.
Completed processing using the single base method.
comment:3 Changed 14 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Processing all files to level1b and flipping samples (will confirm if this is the correct configuration for this (IOP 1) installation).
comment:4 Changed 14 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Some notes:
- This is a huge flight!
- Some lines are not on the logsheet (33 to 44) and do not have navigation data. These are most likely taken on the runway over JPL's blackbody for calibration.
- All remaining 32 lines with navigation data have nav sync in headers
- Line 15 has 8 dropped frames. All other lines are low.
comment:5 Changed 14 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
All Owl lines processed to Level1b (includes blackbody data when the aircraft wasn't moving).
Mapping 3 bands of Owl and Fenix1k to verify the installation parameters (IMU + sensor rotation, boresight, lever arms etc).
comment:6 Changed 14 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Confirming that both Italy installs require no flipping for the Owl in order to map. The instrument was installed backwards, but so was the IMU.
Will add a summary of each installation and what data needs "flipping" to the processing documentation.
comment:7 Changed 14 months ago by wja
Fenix Processing
Replaced header wavelengths
comment:8 Changed 14 months ago by wja
Fenix & Owl Processing
Have been using this flight to verify the processing chains are working as they should and whether data needs flipping.
Have added a summary of things to know for each installation here:
Owl boresight is required to continue.
comment:9 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Mapping owl data.
comment:10 Changed 8 months ago by wja
View angles, according to logsheet:
Flightline | View Angle |
1 | nadir |
2 | nadir |
3 | nadir |
4 | 25 |
5 | 25 |
6 | 35 |
7 | 35 |
8 | nadir |
9 | 25 |
10 | 35 |
11 | 35 |
12 | 25 |
13 | nadir |
14 | nadir |
15 | nadir |
16 | nadir |
17 | nadir |
18 | nadir |
19 | nadir |
20 | nadir |
21 | 25 |
22 | 25 |
23 | 35 |
24 | 35 |
25 | nadir |
26 | 35 |
27 | 35 |
28 | nadir |
29 | nadir |
30 | nadir |
31 | nadir |
32 | nadir |
comment:11 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Owl lines 27, 28 & 29 are flown at a lower altitude of ~1500 m, all other lines are ~ 2400 m. Will adjust pixel size accordingly.
Approx Altitude | Pixel Size |
~1500 | 1.6 |
~2400 | 2.7 |
The following boresight corrections are being applied:
View Angle | Pitch | Roll | Yaw |
Nadir | +0.00 | -0.60 | +0.70 |
25 deg | -0.18 | -0.60 | +1.07 |
34 deg | -0.25 | -0.60 | +1.20 |
comment:12 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Processing beyond L1b has been difficult.
- DEM needed remaking (these flight cover Siena airport, quarry, Grosseto farm, Grosseto city)
- Nav sync has failed for lines 6, 18 & 21
- Subsequently, there are timing errors in lines 6, 18 and 21.
- There is also a slight timing error on line 2
comment:13 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
The following timing offsets are being applied.
Flightline | Timing Offset |
2 | +0.2 |
6 | +3.00 |
18 | +3.00 |
21 | +3.00 |
Processing all bands.
comment:14 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Created logsheet.
Creating delivery.
comment:15 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Delivery
Ready for checking.
Screenshot in the ReadMe has been cropped to just include the Grosseto area.
comment:16 Changed 8 months ago by mark1
Owl Delivery
Delivery check complete, no problems found.
Zipping mapped files
comment:17 Changed 7 months ago by wja
Owl Delivered
Via FTP slot 1, PI notified. Finalised delivery.
OWL: Some lines don't have nav data, these are data recorded of NASA JPL's blackbody when the aircraft was stationary on the runway.
Final checks - warning about the real time navigation time stamps was flagged.