Opened 10 months ago
Last modified 10 months ago
#727 new flight processing
FIDEXII/23, flight day 231/2023, Canada
Reported by: | asm | Owned by: | |
Priority: | immediate | Milestone: | |
Component: | Processing: general | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Other processors: |
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2023/flight_data/canada/FIDEXII-2023_231_Canada
Data arrived from NERC-ARF via hard drive September/October 2023
PI: Martin Wooster
Fenix1k (priority)
IBIS (priority)
Change History (16)
comment:1 Changed 10 months ago by asm
comment:2 Changed 10 months ago by mark1
Have edited the GPS Stop Time to be 21:08:00.000 for flight line FENIX231-23-23
comment:3 Changed 10 months ago by asm
Had to edit the GPS Start Time for line fenix 1 as it was reading as 00:00:00 and has renamed the files again (this file should be now the penultimate line).
comment:4 Changed 10 months ago by asm
Had to edit the GPS Start Time for line owl 1 as it was reading as 00:00:00 and has renamed the files again. The files could not be renamed as the scripts could not handle this and it will be sorted manually later on.
comment:5 Changed 10 months ago by asm
Ready for delivery check. There were low illumination conditions and hence the data has a lot of underflows but have noted this in the Readme.
comment:6 Changed 10 months ago by asm
Ready for delivery check. There were a number of lines that failed to record darkframes so I had to point to other files to process the data. This had as a result that there is no data recorded over water and there are overflows on the entire spectral range for those flightlines but this might still be useful data. I have included a table pointing to the darkframes used for each flightline.
Worth noting that a few lines were flown much lower both for Fenix1k and Ibis and therefore data have been processed with according pixel sizes.
comment:7 Changed 10 months ago by wja
Fenix1K and Ibis Delivery Checks
I'll take over these checks from dac.
Some Ibis lines need reprocessing with darkframes split - asm is on this.
comment:8 Changed 10 months ago by wja
Fenix1K and Ibis Delivery Check
DEM is incorrect, which is resulting in poor mapping. Will need reporcessing from the aplcorr step for Fenix1k and Ibis.
comment:9 Changed 10 months ago by wja
Ibis Delivery Check
There are minor mapping issues with a few of the ibis lines:
- SCT error: lines 9 & 5
- Minor SCT error (or possibly a boresight error): Lines 7 & 4.
- Line 4 looks much coarser than other lines, this needs the resolution checking.
- Line 9 has an odd feature, in that it starts with what I thought were darkframes, but I think it just dropped frames - there's one non-dark scanline within this space. Don't think this is anything to worry about as it's being masked.
- All lines are present.
- All lines processed fine with APL command tests (albeit with the mapping issues mentioned).
- Have been through all bands in fastQC, couldn't see any issues.
comment:10 Changed 10 months ago by wja
Ibis Delivery cont.
- Readme flightline name table needs a title
comment:11 Changed 10 months ago by mark1
Re: Line 4 looks much coarser than other lines, this needs the resolution checking.
This is because the plane was flying faster for this line, so results in a 8m (ish) pixel size along track. I wouldn't worry about it. Users can map to a different pixelsize if they wish.
comment:12 Changed 10 months ago by mark1
Specim log file for Ibis line 9 seems suspect as it lists frame number -8 (shouldn't be negative). Have changed to remove dropped frame events.
Needs reprocessing but should fix the suspected SCT error.
comment:13 Changed 10 months ago by asm
A new delivery has been created with the SRTM DEM instead and it is ready for Delivery Check.
comment:14 Changed 10 months ago by wja
Fenix1K Delivery
All looks good, marking ready to deliver. Zipping mapped files.
comment:15 Changed 10 months ago by wja
Ibis Delivery
Have made a note in the readme about poor mapped lines (look like minor timing errors but seem inconsistent, this is possibly due to all the dropped frames and missing darkframes, it seems the Ibis wasn't happy during this flight).
Zipped files, marking ready to deliver.
comment:16 Changed 10 months ago by wja
Fenix1K and Ibis Deliveries
Delivered to PI via FT|P slot 5. Deliveries finalised.
Complete. This is a long flight with 29 lines. The ibis failed collection for 5 lines and have been moved to sif/no_data_ibis/ to avoid problems.