Opened 17 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#93 closed flight processing (fixed)

IPY07/10, flight day 201/2007, Russell Glacier

Reported by: mggr Owned by: mggr
Priority: alpha 4 high Milestone: 2007 data processing completion
Component: Processing: general Keywords: IPY
Cc: Other processors:

Description (last modified by mggr)

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/flight_data/ipy/IPY07_10-2007_201_Russell_Glacier

Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk transfer in August, with post-processed GPS arriving in December following Kidlington visit.

Scientific details: (details of IPY applications not currently available at PML)

PI: Andrew Shepherd


  • ATM (delivered 29/May/2008)



Change History (13)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by mggr

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by anee

Processed through POSGNSS, all looked fine and exported to POSProc.
Processing with POSProc fails however with error:


 IIN Integrated Inertial Navigation Post-Processing Module Version 4.4 
 Copyright (c) 2000 - 2007 Applanix Corporation             [01/31/2007] 
 All rights reserved. 
   Date (d/m/y): 17/1/2008   Time : 16:16:43.39

Subsystems: IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)
            postProcGPS (Post-processed GPS)

Reference->User lever arm                :   0.000      0.000      0.000    [m]
Reference->User Alignment Angles(R, P, Y):   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 [deg]

IMU Time Increment:   0.005000 [s]
IMU Time Delay    :   0.000000 [s]
Reference->User0/IMU lever arm                :   1.068      0.182      1.489    [m]
Reference->User0/IMU Alignment Angles(R, P, Y):   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 [deg]

Post-processed Primary GPS Time Increment :   1.000000 [s]
Post-processed Primary GPS Time Delay     :   0.000000 [s]
Post-processed Primary GPS Solution Status: Integer Carier Phase DGPS

Reference->Post-processed Primary GPS Anntenna lever arm     :   0.000   0.000   0.000 [m]
Reference->Post-processed Primary GPS Anntenna lever arm s.d.:   0.100   0.100   0.100 [m]

Inertial Measurement Unit     : IMU2
Post-processed GPS            : GPS1

Input Files:
IMU Data -  D:\ARSF-data\2007 data\ipy\IPY07_10-2007_201_Russell_Glacier\applanix\Extract\imu_2007201.dat.
Primary GPS Data -  D:\ARSF-data\2007 data\ipy\IPY07_10-2007_201_Russell_Glacier\applanix\Extract\gps_proc_2007201.dat.
479383.001175 - Coarse leveling mode started
479383.001175 - IIN coarse leveling active.
479383.001175 - Processing started.
   Initial roll          0.006260 deg
   Initial pitch         0.722124 deg
   Initial heading      72.010596 deg
479394.001060 - Heading alignment started (GC_CHI_1)
479394.001060 - IIN navigator initialized.
479395.000000 - IIN primary GPS in use.
479395.006050 - IIN navigator alignment active.
479397.006028 - Heading error less than 90 deg (GC_CHI_2)
479397.006028 - IIN quadrant resolved.
479398.006018 - Fine alignment mode started



 SMTH Smoother Post-Processing Module        Version 4.4
 Copyright (c) 1996-2007 Applanix Corporation [01/31/2007]
 All rights reserved.

Error: SMOOTHER can not continue: the parameter file is empty.
       IIN run was not successful. Run IIN again.


comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

  • Status changed from new to assigned

Managed to get the applanix to go through ok (did a complete re-run from scratch and excluded portions of the flightline).

Processed ATM (looks like it mapped fine) is at ~mggr/scratch_network/IPY07_10-2007_201_Russell_Glacier/.

We need to hold the ATM though as it has the blackouts issue.

comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

Reprocessed with new azatm - all looks good except for line 09, which has a timing error.

comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

Timing error seems to be a 1.0 GPTOFF.

comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

  • Owner changed from mggr to anee
  • Status changed from assigned to new

Delivery directory created: /users/rsg/mggr/scratch_network/IPY07_10-2007_201_Russell_Glacier/delivery/20080523/ (4.9GB :/)

comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by anee

Checked, minor readme change - seems fine. Rsynced to: /users/rsg/mggr/scratch_network/IPY07_10-2007_201_Russell_Glacier

comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by anee

  • Owner changed from anee to mggr

comment:9 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

  • Description modified (diff)

Delivered 29/May/2008.

comment:10 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

  • Description modified (diff)
  • Owner changed from mggr to anee

Misdelivered due to the wrong PI name on the logsheet - needs redelivery to Andrew Shepherd (

comment:11 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

  • Owner changed from anee to mggr

PI stated he doesn't want a delivery of the data.

comment:12 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

NERC requires us to deliver, so sending on a disk today.

comment:13 Changed 15 years ago by benj

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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