Convert Data Type of BIL files to Float

We've heard from some users certain programs (e.g., ENVI FLAASH) require the data type of input files to be 32-bit Float, rather than 16-bit Unsigned Integer (which is what we currently deliver).


  1. From 'Basic Tools' Select 'Band Math
  2. Input the following expression
  3. Select 'Map Variable to Input File' and select the BIL file
  4. Note this will change the interleave to BSQ, you can change back to BIL using 'Convert Data' from 'Basic Tools'.


You can also change the data type using the gdal_translate command, included with GDAL.

gdal_translate -of ENVI -ot Float32 -co "INTERLEAVE=BIL" f083011b.bil f083011b_float.bil

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Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on May 14, 2015, 12:18:11 PM