Producing basestation files for Iceland.

So far only tested for reyk

In Linux

Download the .13n files for the time needed from: Each file contains 15 minutes of data.

Extract the zipped files then convert to .13o files using CRX2RNX [file].

Concatenate the .13o files using teqc [file1] [file2] [file3] > [output file]

Transfer to the Windows machine.

On the Windows Machine

Create an IPAS TC project like normal but on the add basestaton menu choose to download service data. This will get you a .gbp file, a .epp file and a .sta file.(This .gbp file doesn't seem to be used, as it's missing the level 2 correction in its header.)

Use GraphNav to convert the .l3o file created earlier, giving it the .epp file created by IPAS TC when it asks for one. This should create a .gbp file that will actualy work.

Do basestation PPP and the rest of the processing as normal using this .gbp file.

Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Aug 7, 2013, 2:22:56 PM