Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of SensorInformation
- Timestamp:
- Aug 3, 2017, 2:39:48 PM (8 years ago)
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v19 v20 7 7 8 8 9 10 The sensors are mounted on the cabin floor over an opening that can be opened/closed during flight. The image below shows the aircraft in flight with the hatch open.11 12 13 9 == Current Sensors == 14 10 15 NERC-ARF currently operate :11 NERC-ARF currently operate the following instruments: 16 12 17 * a hyperspectral Specim AISA [wiki:Sensors/Fenix Fenix] 18 * a thermal Specim AISA [wiki:Sensors/Owl Owl] 19 * a [wiki:Sensors/LeicaLIDAR Leica ALS50-II LiDAR] with full waveform digitiser 20 * a [wiki:Sensors/RCD_CH39 Leica RCD105] 39 mega-pixel camera 21 22 For certain campaigns ARSF will operate the older [wiki:Sensors/Eagle#SpecificationsforEagleSN110001-Operatedinperiod2013-onwards Eagle2] sensor due to its higher spatial resolution in VNIR. 23 24 25 For comparison on ATM, CASI, Eagle and Hawk sensor swath widths see this [ figure]. 13 * [wiki:Sensors/Fenix Specim AISAFenix] visible to shortwave infrared hyperspectral sensor 14 * [wiki:Sensors/Owl Specim AISAOwl] thermal sensor 15 * [wiki:Sensors/LeicaLIDAR Leica ALS50-II] LiDARwith full waveform digitiser 16 * [wiki:Sensors/PhaseOne PhaseOne iXU-RS1000] 100 MB digital camera 26 17 27 18 == Navigation System == 28 19 29 [[Image(dcalm_bay.png, align=right, nolink, title="ARSF Aircraft in flight showing Instrument Bay", margin=10)]] 30 31 The navigation data that is used in the georeferencing of the various sensor data is collected from either an Applanix system (for pre-2011 data collections) or an IPAS system (for 2011 data onwards). See the ARSF operations [ navigation systems] page for more information. 32 33 20 * [wiki:Sensors/IMUandGPS IMU and GPS] 34 21 35 22 == Additional Instruments Available == 36 37 23 38 24 * [wiki:Sensors/Grimm Grimm Sky OPC] 39 25 * [ Aimms] 40 26 41 == Historical Instruments ==27 == Previous Sensors == 42 28 43 * [wiki:Sensors/Eagle Eagle] 44 * [wiki:Sensors/Hawk Hawk] 29 * [wiki:Sensors/RCD_CH39 Leica RCD105] a 39 mega-pixel camera (operated 2009 - 2015) 30 * [wiki:Sensors/Eagle Eagle] visible to near infrared hyperspectral sensor (operated 2006 - 2013) 31 * [wiki:Sensors/Hawk Hawk] shortwave infrared hyperspectral sensor(operated 2006 - 2013) 45 32 * [wiki:Sensors/Fodis FODIS] 46 33 * [wiki:Sensors/ATM ATM] 47 34 * [wiki:Sensors/CASI CASI] 35 * [wiki:Sensors/OptecLIDAR Optec] LIDAR (operated until 2008) 48 36 * [ RC10] (analogue large format camera) 49 37 * Rollei (digital camera only operated in 2007)