Version 73 (modified by gaew, 14 years ago) (diff)


Data collection status

This page describes the status of upcoming flights in the current (2011) flying season.

For an update on the operational status of the ARSF for data collection see this page.

Note: the actual flight date is dependent on operational restrictions and the presence of suitable weather conditions. All data are collected on a "best endeavours" basis.

Please contact Dr Gary Llewellyn (Science / operations coordinator) if you have any questions or concerns: gaew@… (01452 859945 or 07919 697851)

For status on data processing for flights that have been flown, see this page.

Flying timetable for the 2011 flying season

The coloured block indicate potential time periods where data may be collected while the numbers indicate the number of acquisitions required to fully support the project.

Status of direct access UK projects in the 2011 flying season

Project Location PI Status Next data collection Comments
GB03/01 Fiskerton-Barlings Jim Williams Reflight due to data problems
GB06/02 Frieston Shore Tom Spencer Reflight due to data problems
GB09/00 Oxford Parks NERC Includes a calibration exercise
GB09/04 Coed Y Brenin Sarah Taylor July Poor weather during the flowering phase
GB11/03 Sheltand Alex Sanmark Pilot study
GB09/11 Abernethy Forest Tim Malthus May no longer be viable
GB11/04 Southern UK Jim Mc.Quaid October Atmospheric AO
GB11/05 Southern UK Ben Barrett October Atmospheric AO
GB10/09 Southern England Jim Mc.Quaid On-going
GB10/11 All flights Barbara Brooks On-going

Status of direct access overseas projects in the 2011 flying season

Project Location PI Status Next data collection Comments
EU10/01 Sweden Natascha Kljun High Priority July
EU09/07 Sweden Jeff Evans August
EU11/01 Sweden David Rippon August
EU09/06 Iceland David Graham July
EU11/03 Spain David Coombes April/May
EU11/04 Spain Partick Osborne April/May
EM10/06 Italy Ken Mc.Caffery relocated from East Med. campaign 2010

Status of commissioned access projects in the 2011 flying season

Project Location PI Status Next data collection Comments
CEH09/01 Salisbury Plain Richard Pywell Coordinated with range
BGS08/01 Firth of Clyde Gisela Ager
BGS08/03&04 Glasgow & South Lanarkshire Gisela Ager
SOT09/01 Harwood Forest Jadu Dash
GB06/08 Weardale Claire Flemming
GB06/09 Isle of Wight BGS Original data set may be recoverable||
EUFAR11/02 Svalbard Susan Conway July TBC
EUFAR11/03 Spain Hermann Kaufmann April
EUFAR11/04 Portugal Partick Hostert April
EUFAR11/05 Hungary Apostolis Sarris April 2012
EUFAR11/06 Portugal Andreas Gross-Stottenburg April

Projects completed in 2011

Project Location PI Date of final data acquisition
AST11/01 UK Astrium March

Projects completed in 2010

Project Location PI Date of final data acquisition
GB10/07 Salisbury Plain Kate Welham March
GB07/12 Northumbria Martin Wooster March
CEH07/04 Moorhouse/Ribblehead/Hellifield Andrew Wilson April
EM10/07 Italy Fransesco Vuolo May
GB08/19 London Martin Wooster May
SP10/01 UK NERC/Met Office March
GB08/06 Peak District Julia Mc.Morrow June
FW10/01 New Forest Ross Hill June
FW10/02 Cumbria Doreen Boyd - -
EU10/01 Germany & Netherlands Natascha Kljun June, July
EUFAR10/02 Spain Elena Casilo Lopez July
EUFAR10/03 Portugal Jose De.Silva July
GB07/09 Alps Martin Kirkbride August
GB07/10 Alps Ben Broke August
EU09/02 Alps David Rippon August
EUFAR10/01 Hungary Andras Zlinszky August
EUFAR10/06 Hungary Mate Stibranyi August
EUFAR10/07 Hungary Andras Zlinszky August
EU10/03 Hungary Andrew Tyler August
GB08/13 Lake Vyrnwy Mat Disney - -
UR10/01 Iceland Martin Kirkbride September
UR10/02 Iceland Charles Cockell September
EUFAR10/08 France Eyal Ben-Dor October

Projects completed in 2009

Project Location PI Date of final data acquisition
AST08/01 Glocestershire Astrium February
GB08/01 Oxford to Haverfordwest Nigel Langford February
GB03/01 Fiskerton-Barlings Jim Williams May
HY05/02 Ayreshire Coalfield Graham Ferrier/Gisela Ager May
GB09/07 West coast Andreas Baas May
GB08/12 Borth Bog Angela Harris June
HY05/06 Pitlochry Mark Cutler June
GB09/01 Capel Dewi Geraint Vaughan July
GB09/02 Capel Dewi Martin Gallagher July
IPY09/10 Greenland Alun Hubbard August
IPY09/11 Greenland Tavi Murray August
GB08/08 Wytham Woods Richard Harding October
GB08/15 Eaves Wood Alan Blackburn October
GB09/05 Leighton Moss Alan Blackburn October
GB08/10 Denny Wood Ross Hill October
GB08/02 Delamere Forest Mark Danson October
GB07/07 Inverclyde Tim Malthus October
GB06/02 Frieston Shore Tom Spencer October
ET07/01 Northern Afar rift (Ethiopia) Tim Wright November
ET07/04 Southern Afar rift (Ethiopia) Tim Wright November
UR09/01 Cumbria Danny Donoghue November

Projects completed in 2008

Project Location PI Date of final data acquisition
ET07/02 Ethiopia William Murphy 2008
ET07/03 Ethiopia Graham Ferrier 2008
ET07/05 Ethiopia Graham Ferrier 2008
ET07/06 Ethiopia Ian Willis 2008
ET07/07 Ethiopia Richard Bates 2008
GB07/04 Hayton / Millington Wood Peter Halkon 13/02/08
GB07/03 Mid-Wales Gemma Bell 18/02/08
GB08/11 Broom's Farm Doreen Boyd 01/07/08
CEH07/02 Stanlow Andrew Wilson 04/07/08
GB07/05 Loch Leven/Estwaite/Windermere Andrew Tyler 2007
UR08/01 Black Venn Andrew Ford 2008
UR08/02 River Coquet Andrew Large 2008
GB08/01 Wales Geraint Vaughan 2008
GB08/03 Peak District Richard Armitage 2008
GB08/18 River Frome Richard Stillman 2008
IPY07/09 Iceland Tim Wright 2009

Project Prefixes

Project ref. Description
GB Direct access projects supported in Great Britain
EU Direct access projects supported in Europe
MC Direct access projects supported during the Mediterranean campaign 2005
EM Direct access projects supported during the Eastern Mediterranean campaign 2010
WM Direct access projects supported during the Western Mediterranean campaign 2006
IPY Direct access projects supported during the International Polar Year campaigns in Iceland and Greenland 2007 and 2009
ET Projects supported during the Ethiopian campaigns in 2007 and 2009
SC Special consideration by a reciprocal agreement. This applied for the Technical University of Athens, 2010. No data were collected
RG Research projects funded by a NERC standard or Consortium grant
UR Research projects funded by (or potentially funded by) a NERC Urgency grant
VOC Research projects funded by the VOCALs NERC Consortium grant
EUFAR Commission projects funded by EUFAR
BGS Commission projects funded by the British Geological Survey
CEH Commission projects funded by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
SOT Commission projects funded by the University of Southampton
AST Commission projects funded by Astrium

Attachments (16)