Changes between Version 68 and Version 69 of Status

Jul 12, 2011, 2:33:31 PM (14 years ago)



  • Status

    v68 v69  
    55Please contact Gary Llewellyn (Science / operations coordinator) if you have any questions or concerns: (01452 859945 or 07919 697851)
    12 == ARSF Flights 26.06.11 ==
     7== ARSF Flights 06.07.11 ==
     8''Today (06.07.11), weather conditions were greatly improved over the highest priority study sites of ARSF ref: EUFAR10-02 (EUFAR ref: SVALBD_PGLACIAL2). This allowed data to be collected from all 6 of the individual high priority study sites during a 4 hour flight. Although the order in which data were collected from the individual sites needed to account for cloud build up and dispersal all collected data were of good quality with minimal obscurement of the ground targets. In addition to LiDAR and RCD photography, 5nm Eagle (VNIR) and 6nm Hawk (SWIR) hyperspectral data were collected.''
     10''The plan is to start the transit from Svalbard back to the UK tomorrow (07.07.11). Transit will be via Tromso to Bergen to the UK with an estimated return to Gloucester on Friday (08.07.11).''
     12== ARSF Flights 05.07.11 ==
     13''The ARSF arrived at Longyearbyen (Svalbard) at 16:20 hrs on Saturday (02.07.11). The flight was 5 hours with a technical stop in Tromso (Norway) to ensure the water crossing to Svalbard was conducted with a full load of fuel.''
     15''Since then the team have been standing-by for an improvement in the weather conditions. Forecasts, supported by field observations by the PI, indicated two possible opportunities (03.07.11 & 04.07.11) but when we visited the area the study sites were obscured by cloud. We are not restricted by time of the day as their is constant daylight and the airport has some flexibility for late and early flights. However, a high and low layer of cloud persists with the lower layer between the aircraft and the ground. The ground height prevents us from flying any lower but because the focus of the science is LiDAR and photography the upper cloud layer is less of a problem. Today's forecast is not hopefully but there may be an improvement tomorrow.''
     17== ARSF Flights 30.06.11 ==
     18''Yesterday (29.06.11), we collected data from those areas of the Swedish Upsalla site (EU10-01 ) for which there was shadowing, by cloud, in the previous acquisition. The flight took one and a half hours during which 75GB of data were collected. All the LiDAR data were collected as full-waveform. We flew nine flight lines, the four edge lines where we had some concern, three lines over the flux tower and spectral targets and to its west (as requested by the PI) and two crosslines.''
     20''These data have now been downloaded, backed-up and quality checked as very good. The PI will visit us this evening to view the data.''
     22''The next project in this campaign is located in Svalbard (ARSF ref: EUFAR10-02; EUFAR ref: SVALBD_PGLACIAL2). Tomorrow we will pack the aircraft ready to relocate to Svalbard early on Saturday. ''
     24== ARSF Flights 28.06.11 ==
    1325''Yesterday, we conducted a 4 hour flight to collect 33 lines (31 parallel lines + 2 cross lines) in support of EU10-01. The data collected were high resolution LiDAR (with the centre 17 lines full-wave form), 5nm Eagle (VNIR), 6nm Hawk (SWIR), RCD photography and GRIMM (aerosol) data. The survey straddled Solar noon and avoided most of the surrounding cloud. No clouds were present below the aircraft but some cloud shadow was present in the North West corner (in the last four lines). Some shadowed ground is observed (without shadow) in adjoining Eagle lines due to the high side overlap. Nevertheless, if the forecasted good conditions are present on Wednesday (29.06.11), we hope to collect good data from the previously obscured area.''