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We need copies of the ATM, CASI, Eagle and Hawk calibration files as soon as possible in the year.

The expectation is that Chris MacLellan of FSF is going to calibrate the CASI (and Specim?) early Dec 2007.


This ticket is spawned from #74 (support ticket for Rachel Gaulton, who found this problem). See that ticket for the initial work, summarised here.

Eagle's calibrated spectral profile on flights appears to differ substantially from CASI in terms of the measured radiance. The shape is the same but the numbers are different by a factor of approximately 4-8, depending on the pixel chosen.

Short history to date:

  • 16/Oct Initial problem report from Rachel (2006 dataset)
  • 18/Oct AKW recommended investigating on a known dataset
  • 22/Oct Picked 166/2007 boresight flight and confirmed we're also seeing this issue
  • 29/Oct Demonstrated to Gary and agreed routes for investigation

Original L0 and L1b tests


Contacted by Bill handing over Mohammed's processing problem. He was having difficulties with DEMs (specifically formatting.

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