Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#91 Automatic detection of scan timing offsets new mark1 alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future Processing: general
#12 Create regression test set new mggr alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future ARSF
#238 Documentation for NEODC new benj whenever The Glorious Future Archiving
#28 Documentation for sensors accepted mggr alpha 4 high The Glorious Future ARSF
#113 Eagle/Hawk spectra over water have a "bump" at ~970nm new benj immediate Data collection
#26 Fast quicklook utility assigned harg whenever The Glorious Future PML utilities
#594 Fenix Calibration, 2015 new immediate Processing: general
#325 File format recording new benj alpha 4 medium Metadata
#387 assigned knpa alpha 4 medium PML utilities
#24 Google Earth demo new benj whenever The Glorious Future PML utilities
#132 Investigation of timing problems (with Specim) new mggr alpha 4 high ARSF
#614 Owl Calibration 2017 new lah immediate The Glorious Future ARSF
#111 Possible bad pixels or calibration for Hawk new benj alpha 5 Data collection
#288 RCD photo renamer new chrfi immediate Processing: general
#573 Roll Offsets Automation Script new dac immediate The Glorious Future alsproc
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.