Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (412 - 414 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#115 fixed ATM bands marked bad suspiciously mggr benj

Some ATM lines for IPY have bad bands marked for some lines. However, the bad parts seem to correlate with areas where there is bright sunshine shining on white snow - in other words where the value is going to be pretty close to max. It's possible either this is incorrectly causing it to be classified as bad, or else that the max value is itself being used to mark bad data.

Eg. Green Box line 1:

ATM line 1, level 3 for Green Box (IPY)

#303 fixed ASCII file reading default format code needed harg benj

It would be nice if the file > open dialog had the format code to match our ASCII files by default. Specifically: " txyzicr#"

Also the description of the format code needs to be made clearer.

#25 fixed ARSF website mock up mggr mggr

Create a mirror of the ARSF website and link trac into it.

The main purpose of this is to retain ARSF branding, ie. website would be with appropriate forwarding/mapping of webservers. Alternatively, we could get NERC to create and retain the branding that way.

Optionally/in future pending approval:

  • add a dynamic map to show where flights have been/are going to be
    • Google Earth variant? (see ticket #24)
    • alternatively use OpenLayers + a WFS?
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