Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (418 - 420 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#72 fixed Boresight calibration metaticket anee mggr

This ticket is to describe the task of acquiring the 2007 boresight calibration.

There are two periods:

  • start of year -> day 130 (ATM, Eagle, Hawk)
  • (solas dust campaign, using atmospheric instruments)
  • day 166 -> end of year (ATM, CASI, Eagle, Hawk)

This ticket has been created after the fact, so the dates are going to be wrong.

See also: Processing/BoresightCalibration

#100 fixed Geotiff viewer crashes on loading ENVI-produced Geotiff anch benj

If you create a Geotiff using ENVI (for example of a DEM) and then try and load that Geotiff into the Geotiff viewer, the viewer crashes with no error message (just produces a Bugzilla window).

#386 fixed EM10/07, flight day 145b/2010, Trapani anch anch

Specific Scientific Objectives

  1. Development and validation of hyperspectral retrieval algorithms for biophysical parameter estimation in preparation for launch of PRISMA hyperspectral mission. These include;

Leaf area indexn (LAI m2/m2) Fraction of vegetation cover (Fc, %) Leaf chlorophyll concentration and canopy chlorophyll content.

  1. Test and validation of remote sensing techniques for qualifying water exchanges in the main tree crop species of the Med.


Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/workspace/EM10_07-2010_145a_Trapani

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 08/06/2010

PI: Dr F. Vuolo


  • Eagle (16/02/2011)
  • Hawk (16/02/2011)
  • Leica LIDAR (04/01/12)
  • RCD Photography (Not requested)
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