Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (421 - 423 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#144 wontfix Incorporate EGM96 geoid code into azgcorr mggr mggr

Incorporate EGM96 geoid code into azgcorr, eliminating the need for geoid-spheroid separation files (Bill estimates ~3 days effort)

#189 wontfix Black flecks in ATM data benj benj

Some (generally high-brightness) level 1 ATM data contains scattered black flecks (can be quite numerous). Most frequent in band 7, but do occur in other bands. Example screenshot (from EUCAARI day 136):

Looking at the raw data with qcdisplay, the flecks aren't present, but there are short horizontal white lines. These seem to be less numerous than the black flecks and may or may not be related. Example screenshot (same flight):

Probably not worth doing anything about, since ATM is dying and due for replacement. First noticed as part of #115

#3 duplicate processing:154 wm06-04-Madrid-3/6/2006 amro amro

Casi line 3 have alot of chequers and nav problems as in below image

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