Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (190 - 192 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#362 | fixed | EUFAR10/07 (ADDRESSS), flight day 234d, Summer School Geo Site | knpa | iopa |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/workspace/EUFAR10_07-2010_234d_Summer_School_Geo_Site Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Q on 15/09/2010. Scientific objective: Mapping of lithology, fault strucuture, erosion parameters and soil components Priority: a4h PI: A. Zlinszky Note: Data is currently symlinked from ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/archive_overflow and when this is resolved the symlinks will need to be re-directed. PI has requested that data be made available via NEODC promptly as well as normal delivery - data will be downloaded from NEODC by students. Sensors:
#363 | fixed | EUFAR10/01 (AIMWETLAB), flight day 233b/2010, Lake Balaton Peninsula | knpa | anch |
Description |
Data Location: ~arsf/workspace/EUFAR10_01-2010_233b_Lake_Balaton_Peninsula Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Q on 15/09/2010. Scientific objective: Mapping of species composition and stand health of shore vegetation, mapping of shore elevation and inundation structure. This collection will also be used for EUFAR10-07. Scientific Objective: High accuracy land use/land cover mapping, forest type mapping and invasive shrub species location Priority: a4h PI: A.Zlinszky Sensors:
#368 | fixed | EUFAR10/06 (ARMSRACE), flight day 231a/2010 Armsrace | knpa | anch |
Description |
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/workspace/EUFAR10_06-2010_231a_Armsrace Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Q on 15/09/2010. PI: Mate Stibranyi Scientific objectives: N/A Sensors: