Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (235 - 237 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#5 | fixed | 144-WM06-11 Rio Tinto | mggr | amro |
Description |
CASI line 6 has not been processed due to Segmentation fault. the massage appeared on the output file can be seen below azexhdf -- ver: 3.1.8 May 10 2007 (C) Azimuth Systems UK 1996, 2007 Input file: ./lev1/c144061b.hdf processing level: 1B Scanner type: CASI image data item: CAimage read hdf bands: 48 pixels: 511 lines: 4923 Image (CAimage) : (pix) 511, (lines) 4923, (bands) 48 type 23 Output BIL file details... pixels per line: 511 start line: 0 lines: 4923 bits per pixel: 16 bytes per line: 1022 band(s): 1 to 48 line: 0 line: 1000 line: 2000 line: 3000 line: 4000 last line output: 4922 output file complete ./runc/ line 183: 4425 Segmentation fault azgcorr ${V} -hs ${HGTOFF} ${PROJ} ${BANDL} -p ${PIXSIZE} ${PIXSIZE} -1 ${P_HDF1} -3 ${P_HDF3} ${DoDEM} |
#8 | fixed | 271-WM06-17-Vigo | mggr | amro |
Description |
ATM processing : After processing ATM, every thing seems to be okay, however, there are some funny color ( red, yallow) appear on the top of the image. (Peter said that we can deliver them as they are). The data can be delivered because these lines appeared on the top of clouds. CASI processing : Line one seems to be okay, however line 2 and 3 are bugged. error messages are shown below. For line 2 azcas2 using calibration file: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/casi/in34a4.rad for aperture: 4 casi IMAGE bands: 14 pixels: 512 lines: 62 no SRC processed or not present casi ILS bands: 14 pixels: 1 lines: 62 Using RSC calibration file: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/casi/in34a4.rad NB: aperture from file search: 4 Creating dark data array... Dark frames used: 100 seq_ids: 52 to: 151 skipping 90 start frames on file: 0 Data processed using CASI read routine: frame_cal_dark line: 0 seq_id: 242 first image line (0) was seq id: 242 last image line (61) was seq id: 303 Updated hdf file is: ./lev1/c271021b.hdf ./runc/ line 176: 4206 Segmentation fault aznav ${V} ${ATT} ${POS} -f 7 7 1 -so ${SCTOFF} -at ${GPTOFF} 0.0 -ao 0 0 0 ${ACVE} -h ${P_HDF1} For line 3 azcas2 using calibration file: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/casi/in34a4.rad for aperture: 4 casi IMAGE bands: 14 pixels: 512 lines: 3951 no SRC processed or not present casi ILS bands: 14 pixels: 1 lines: 3951 Using RSC calibration file: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/casi/in34a4.rad NB: aperture from file search: 4 Creating dark data array... Dark frames used: 100 seq_ids: 52 to: 151 skipping 90 start frames on file: 0 Data processed using CASI read routine: frame_cal_dark line: 0 seq_id: 242 line: 1000 seq_id: 1242 line: 2000 seq_id: 2242 line: 3000 seq_id: 3242 first image line (0) was seq id: 242 last image line (3950) was seq id: 4192 Updated hdf file is: ./lev1/c271031b.hdf |
#9 | fixed | BSEQ dump produces incorrect ENVI header | mggr | mggr |
Description |
azexhdf -h a195041b.hdf -BSe a195041b_test.raw Should produce an envi .hdr for a bseq file (azexhdf help states: -B fn : convert image data to BIL binary file -BS fn : convert image data to BSEQ binary file -Be fn : -BSe fn : : B and BS may be followed by e to request an ENVI : compatible header to be output with extension fn.hdr : For ENVI compatibility fn should be given as fn.raw or fn.bil : fn = output filename Actual header file produced claims it's a BIL, not a BSEQ: arsf@pmpc889:~/support/20070515-GB06_05-195a-RachelGaulton<1040>cat a195041b_test.hdr ENVI description = { File output by azexhdf } file type = ENVI interleave = bil samples = 938 lines = 3802 bands = 11 header offset = 0 data type = 12 byte order = 0 Correcting the interleave line to read "bseq" results in a correct load into ENVI. |