Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#165 accepted enhancement

Updates to ATM code to allow processing of old (pre 1996) ATM data for NEODC

Reported by: mggr Owned by: mggr
Priority: alpha 4 high Milestone: The Glorious Future
Component: az* programs Keywords:
Cc: Other processors:


NEODC has some old ATM data from Andrew Wilson's archive and would like to process it to the modern HDF standard. This data does not include navigation, so the requirements are just creation of the HDF structure (azsite) and conversion/calibration of the data (old utilities).

Bill's comments:

I have now had a chance to look at the original ATM post processing.
This consists of two programs:

atmcct0 that read the file of a cct tape and creates a level-0 HDF
file and atm_1 that radiometrically corrected the level-0 file and
output a second level-1 HDF file

The programs were started late 1994 and the last updates were on the
20/07/1998. I cannot now remember why I did it as two programs as it
would be relatively easy to join them together.

I have copied the last source to a linux dev dir, updated library
paths, corrected 2 items to comply with the latest C and libc and
recompiled/linked;  program runs OK to give usage.

So to provide a working version as it was in 1994, I will need some
test data from the ATM for the period 1994 to 1998; this has to be
files from the original 9 track tapes.

The work needed for a version to create latest metadata HDF1a files

1. change byte swap option (original program was for a sun)
2. check edit/insert missing metadata items
3. check compatibility with latest azsite
3. test with 1994-1996 data
4. test with pre 1994 data

This will take up to 4 days depending if there are any problems with
pre 1994 data as I do not recall if Andrew ever used the program on
early data as we had no navigation. It may be possible to merge the
two programs in the same time, I would have to see when I get started'
this would then avoid 2 HDF files.

This new versions [ azatmcct0.200 and azatmcct1.200 ]  will then run,
on linux, in a standard processing sequence, but of course it only
needs  azsite as there is no navigation.

This version of the program does not read cct tapes directly so if any
tapes needing processing they must be first copied to a file using dd
[raw binary with no translation etc].

Bill later revised his estimate to 5 days in light of potential issues while testing.

NEODC will provide test files. They believe they have calibration files too.

Deliverable from Bill will be tested and working copies of the relevant programs.

NEODC will then do the processing and communicate with Bill on any problems, keeping PML in the loop.

PML will offer advice on processing as required.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by mggr

  • Status changed from new to assigned

Work order sent for comment (wo2008005).

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by mggr

Following some communication difficulties, Bill acquired sample calibration files and delivered the updated code on 5/Sept.

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by mggr

NEODC have managed to get time to look at the code - initial problems with their (old) version of Linux.

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