Opened 11 years ago
Last modified 10 years ago
#513 new flight processing
BAS13/01, flight day 068a/2014, Tamar
Reported by: | knpa | Owned by: | |
Priority: | alpha 4 medium | Milestone: | |
Component: | Processing: general | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Other processors: |
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/uk/BAS13_01-2014_068a_Tamar/
Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 10/03/2014
BAS13/01 Scientific objective: unknown
BAS13/01 Priority: ?
PI: France Gerard
Camera (Requested)
LiDAR (Requested)
Change History (49)
comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by knpa
comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
RCD images are all somewhat to very overexposed. According to the log, exposure was fixed at 2 for the entire flight, rather than varying.
comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by benj
Gary has confirmed that the PI would like FW LiDAR data for this flight (if we have any).
comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
Processed LiDAR, will get steve to check it before creating the delivery, as they take a long time to create.
comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
Created LiDAR delivery, but apl fails to create the wgs84 dem. Possibly due to the large size of the flight? Trying lower resolution to see if that helps.
comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
Created RCD delivery. Given the poor quality of the images, I'm unsure if it's worth delivering, but it's there in case it's wanted.
comment:7 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
Created LiDAR delivery. Flightline files have been split into 3 parts with overlap as requested.
comment:8 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Beginning RCD D/c
comment:9 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
D/c complete, photographs don't have full exif tagging. Also any explanation for the overexposure available for the readme?
comment:10 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
Images are now tagged, readme updated to give more info on the overexposure.
comment:11 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Beginning RCD D/c
comment:12 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
RCD delivery check finished, re run readme script to get full exif from photos, otherwise ready to deliver.
comment:13 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Lidar DC in progress, couple of initial comments:
- need a note somewhere about the format of file splitting (a b c)
- need to make sure it's clear the elevation difference is between lines and not along lines.
comment:14 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
LiDAR DC (tentatively) complete.
Roll errors present between lines 5, 6 7 and 8. Will check others for more, seems to be about 16 cm in size. Particularly noticeable in part a/c of these lines in the town.
comment:15 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
RCD data dispatched on 04/06/2014
comment:16 Changed 11 years ago by mark1
Edited KML file in-place in RCD delivery to correct data paths for rcd thumbnails.
comment:17 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Lines 105248 through to 121418 match up with the following roll values:
roll-correct = -0.004034393
pitch-correct = -0.000880469
1012 and 1026 are seperate from the main data body. I will check for any lines that overlap but they appear to have a considerable roll variation (40 cm).
Line 122811 has a roll variation of 15 cm from 121418. I have not checked the lines beyond this in the dataset.
comment:18 Changed 10 years ago by dac
Found correct roll offset values.
Line | Roll | Pitch | Heading |
140309_101258 | -0.003904393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_102632 | -0.003904393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_103944 | -0.003904393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_105248 | -0.003804393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_110610 | -0.003804393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_111932 | -0.003904393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_113312 | -0.003904393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_114615 | -0.003904393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_115952 | -0.004004393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_121418 | -0.004004393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_122811 | -0.004004393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_124117 | -0.004004393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_125519 | -0.004104393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
140309_130917 | -0.004104393 | -0.000880469 | 0.00045631 |
comment:19 Changed 10 years ago by dac
Only a single raw full-waveform file is available (140309_092407) which could not be processed.
AGL(m) given as -1 in ALSPP. Not possible to process full-waveform or corresponding discrete file.
Likely acquired prior to rest of data as all 14 lines of discrete return data on log sheet accounted for.
comment:20 Changed 10 years ago by dac
Classifying data
comment:21 Changed 10 years ago by dac
LiDAR Processing
Created delivery, ready for delivery check.
comment:22 Changed 10 years ago by lah
starting lidar DC
comment:23 Changed 10 years ago by lah
Lidar DC complete
Have removed .LAS from screenshot names and suggest rechecking a couple of things:
- Roll values seem slightly off for a few lines, particularly 4-6. From 8 onwards are fine. Pitch is off too generally.
Roll errors
2-3 | 0.2 |
3-4 | 0.3 |
4-5 | 0.4 |
5-6 | 0.6 |
6-7 | 0.2 |
7-8 | 0.3 |
- There is some missed noise in the classification. Above ground is probably acceptable, but there is a lot more below ground missed. Some points are classified as noise within the cluster if you want a way of finding these manually. Can you write a script to find the local ground level to remove these? Also can you check lines 7, 24 and 36 for haze. There are a lot of points that don't look like vegetation in a small group in each of these lines. Lines 25-30, 31-33 and 35 are fine as is.
The dem is so big it took me a while to find the flight data in it and ages for demcompare to run (4+ hours) giving mean unmasked -0.2.
comment:24 Changed 10 years ago by dac
LiDAR Processing
Refining roll values and finding pitch values for lines 1 - 8.
comment:25 Changed 10 years ago by dac
LiDAR Processing
Found pitch and roll value for first two lines:
roll-correct = -0.0039081257
pitch-correct = -0.0006873354
Different value required for third line:
comment:26 Changed 10 years ago by dac
Found pitch and roll values for third and fourth lines:
roll-correct = -0.0040081257
pitch-correct = -0.0006273354
comment:27 Changed 10 years ago by dac
Updated pitch and roll vales:
Line | Roll | Pitch |
140309_101258 | -0.0039081257 | -0.0007273354 |
140309_102632 | -0.0039081257 | -0.0007073354 |
140309_103944 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007073354 |
140309_105248 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007073354 |
140309_110610 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007073354 |
140309_111932 | -0.0040581257 | -0.0007073354 |
140309_113312 | -0.0040581257 | -0.0007473354 |
140309_114615 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007473354 |
140309_115952 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007473354 |
140309_121418 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007673354 |
140309_122811 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007673354 |
140309_124117 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007673354 |
140309_125519 | -0.0040081257 | -0.0007673354 |
140309_130917 | -0.0041081257 | -0.0007673354 |
Will get lah to check before splitting, classifying and redoing delivery.
comment:28 Changed 10 years ago by lah
Checked pitch and roll values for each pair. Roll is within tolerance for all lines, though is slightly off at the bottom of lines 4-5. Pitch is approx 0.7m of for lines 1-5 and about 0.4m off for lines 5-9. Lines 9-14 are fine.
comment:29 Changed 10 years ago by dac
Updated pitch and roll values, starting classification.
comment:30 Changed 10 years ago by dac
LiDAR Processing
Finished classification, creating delivery.
comment:31 Changed 10 years ago by dac
LiDAR Processing
Delivery created, ready for checking.
comment:32 Changed 10 years ago by dap
Beginning LiDAR Delivery Check
comment:33 Changed 10 years ago by dap
LiDAR Delivery Check
Renamed logsheet using -f 68a 068a in logsheet directory.
DEM compare results:
Difference statistics: Min: -53.1125415039062 Max: 104.707923583984 Sum: -1692823.31105974 Mean: -5.36858845318959 Median: -5.00869 Absolute mean: 7.24126409432035 Std deviation: 7.67325032796051 Total cells: 2106484 Non-null cells: 315320 Unmasked statistics: Min: -53.1125415039062 Max: 104.707923583984 Sum: -1690463.24793075 Mean: -0.864203041227932 Median: 2.0752e-06 Absolute mean: 1.44709831096314 Std deviation: 3.86373121379511 Total cells: 2106484 Non-null cells: 1956095
Roll and pitch offsets:
- Haven't checked all pairs of lines but roll and pitch seem to be offset for at least the following pairs
- 49 and 48
- 48 and 47
- 47 and 46
- 46 and 45
Classification hasn't yet been checked.
Everything checked up to now except roll and pitch errors seems fine.
comment:34 Changed 10 years ago by dap
Taken over LiDAR processing from dac, correcting roll and pitch error values. Will put new values in a new comment.
comment:35 Changed 10 years ago by dap
LiDAR Processing
New roll and pitch error values have now been found, and are as follows:
Line | Roll (rad) | Pitch (rad) |
140309_101258 | -0.003978125 | -0.000997335 |
140309_102632 | -0.003868125 | -0.000707335 |
140309_103944 | -0.004018125 | -0.000987335 |
140309_105248 | -0.003858125 | -0.000707335 |
140309_110610 | -0.004008125 | -0.000947335 |
140309_111932 | -0.003958125 | -0.000687335 |
140309_113312 | -0.004008125 | -0.000907335 |
140309_114615 | -0.004008125 | -0.000747335 |
140309_115952 | -0.004008125 | -0.000807335 |
140309_121418 | -0.004008125 | -0.000797335 |
140309_122811 | -0.004008125 | -0.000787335 |
140309_124117 | -0.004008125 | -0.000847335 |
140309_125519 | -0.004038125 | -0.000777335 |
140309_130917 | -0.004108125 | -0.000817335 |
Note that for some flight lines, the best correction that could be found was ~15cm. Beginning classification.
comment:36 Changed 10 years ago by dap
LiDAR Processing
Classification complete. Flight lines have also been split using -d processing/als50/las-classified/ -o processing/als50/las-classified/split -p 3 --time 7
comment:37 Changed 10 years ago by dap
LiDAR Processing
Dan found problems with the LAS files when they were sorted (y values all 0). Will re-split the files and move them in to the delivery. Will then re-sort them.
comment:38 Changed 10 years ago by dap
LiDAR Processing
A delivery has now been created for these data, now generating a read me document.
comment:39 Changed 10 years ago by dap
LiDAR Processing
Read me document generated, delivery at BAS13_01-068a-lidar-20150114 ready for checking.
comment:40 Changed 10 years ago by lah
Lidar DC
- Changed txt files to windows compatible
- DEM results:
Difference statistics:
Min: -54.8722155761719
Max: 104.695563964844
Sum: -1700968.53721365
Mean: -5.39529270944385
Median: -5.02067
Absolute mean: 7.29369607734545
Std deviation: 7.74696294199489
Total cells: 2107794
Non-null cells: 315269
Unmasked statistics:
Min: -54.8722155761719
Max: 227.498000549316
Sum: -870256.564774547
Mean: -0.444394575886368
Median: -0.269921
Absolute mean: 3.22244584094512
Std deviation: 8.90760847517729
Total cells: 2107794
Non-null cells: 1958297
- All other checks fine, just need to check offsets and classification when get LAG running.
comment:41 follow-up: ↓ 43 Changed 10 years ago by lah
Lidar DC
- Residual roll and pitch offsets are small (at most 0.1m except for lines 11 & 14).
- Weird dip appears in 8 & 11, but could be real.
comment:42 Changed 10 years ago by lah
Lidar DC
- Just looking at lines 1-6 there seems to be quite a bit of noise that isn't classified. Obvious bits are below ground and on lake. Might need to allow for bigger clusters of noise.
comment:43 in reply to: ↑ 41 Changed 10 years ago by dap
Replying to lah:
- Weird dip appears in 8 & 11, but could be real.
I had noticed the dip while processing. Having looked at the kml overview, it looks as though it should be there - I think it's the overflow tower in the south-west corner of Roadford Lake.
comment:44 Changed 10 years ago by dap
LiDAR Processing
Giving files another look over, classifying missed noise.
comment:45 Changed 10 years ago by lah
Lidar DC
Classification now fine - most noise has been classified.
comment:46 Changed 10 years ago by dap
LiDAR Processing
Delivery has now been created with re-classified data. Ready for delivery check if necessary.
comment:47 Changed 10 years ago by dac
- In readme states roll error has been corrected to around 15 cm but in the table no mean difference between lines exceeds 10 cm - suggest rewording.
- In latlong DEM ASTER and lidar weren't patched correctly, have fixed bug in dem scripts and recreated DEM.
Once readme has been reworded ready to deliver.
comment:48 Changed 10 years ago by dap
Read me has been reworded, now dispatching the dataset by priority archiving at NEODC.
comment:49 Changed 10 years ago by dap
All raw and processed data have now been uploaded to NEODC, 05/02/2015.
France would like the flightlines divided into manageable chunks, 3 per flightline was suggested.