Opened 11 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#514 closed flight processing (fixed)
BAS13/01, flight day 068b/2014, Tamar
Reported by: | knpa | Owned by: | knpa |
Priority: | alpha 4 medium | Milestone: | 2014 data processing completion |
Component: | Processing: general | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Other processors: |
Description (last modified by tec)
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/uk/BAS13_01-2014_068b_Tamar
Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 10/03/2014
BAS13/01 Scientific objective: unknown
BAS13/01 Priority: ?
PI: France Gerard
Camera (Delivered, Submitted to NEODC 05/04/2015)
LiDAR (Delivered, Submitted to NEODC 05/04/2015)
Change History (25)
comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by knpa
comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Beginning nav processing.
comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by benj
Gary has confirmed that the PI would like FW LiDAR data for this flight (if we have any).
comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Nav processing complete, pitch and roll errors present of about 40 cm. Only one line of FW data, will process if it is a full line.
comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Found pitch and roll values for lines 155905 and 161200. Testing these against other lines.
pitch | 0.00125316 |
roll | -0.004000414 |
comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
There appears to be variable roll errors between lines 1703, 1650 and 1637. The worst appears on 1650, will attempt to fix this and see if it fixes the other lines.
comment:7 Changed 11 years ago by knpa
- Owner set to knpa
Have created RCD tiffs.
These are affected by the same overexposure issue as here:
France says:
"We are mainly interested in the lidar data. If the photos will be made available via NEODC, for us to access at a later stage, receiving good quality photography of a single sortie, say day 69, would be sufficient."
which suggests she is not that fussed about the photos but would still like to receive them. Since I've started processing these, I will carry on.
comment:8 Changed 11 years ago by knpa
RCD delivery ready for checking at:
comment:9 Changed 11 years ago by knpa
The photos aren't as bad as 068a, they only look mildly overexposed.
comment:10 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Changed roll value for line 165025 which appears to fix issues with the other two lines. Pitch and roll for 1650:
Pitch | 0.00122316 |
Roll | -0.003099414 |
comment:11 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
Checked delivery. No problems found.
comment:12 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
Artefact in top right corner needs mentioning in readme.
comment:13 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
lines 1612 and 1559 have variable roll value to other lines of 0.004001014 testing other lines.
comment:14 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
roll error for line 162444 is -0.003699414
comment:15 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
roll error for line 163738 is -0.003959414
comment:16 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
roll error for line 155025 is -0.003309414
comment:17 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Roll values for last three lines. Currently classifying points.
170333 | -0.003809414 |
154612 | -0.004010414 |
153318 | -0.004272014 |
comment:18 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
Lidar delivery created, ready for D/C. I have included comments in the readme about the splitting of lines, it would be worth checking these read ok/are correct.
comment:19 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
A note on the split files: this was done with a 7.4 second overlap which should equal to roughly 500 metres of along track at 135 knots.
comment:20 Changed 11 years ago by tipo
Checked LiDAR delivery, no problems found.
comment:21 Changed 11 years ago by stgo
RCD and Lidar dispatched 20/06/2014
comment:22 Changed 10 years ago by mark1
Edited KML file in-place in RCD delivery to correct data paths for rcd thumbnails.
comment:23 Changed 10 years ago by knpa
- Description modified (diff)
comment:24 Changed 10 years ago by tec
Starting archiving
comment:25 Changed 10 years ago by tec
- Description modified (diff)
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
France would like the flightlines divided into manageable chunks, 3 per flightline was suggested.