Opened 9 years ago

#571 new bug

Too easy to save incorrect file in LAG save file dialogue

Reported by: dac Owned by: dac
Priority: immediate Milestone: The Glorious Future
Component: LAG Keywords:
Cc: lah, dap Other processors:


[copied from dap's email]

When multiple lines were loaded into LAG and the file is saved without changing both the file name in the top of the save window AND the "Flightline to save" number at the bottom of that window the wrong file can be saved.

The "Name" field at the top of the window is the name of the file you want to save it as (if there is a file with that name that already exists, it'll be overwritten without warning) and the "Flightline to save" field is the flight line you want to save, where the key is below it.

For example, if you load flight lines 11 and 12 in, then click save, the
default name is LDR...11.LAS and the default flightline to save is 0,
which is fine. But then if you click LDR...12.LAS without changing the
Flightline to save and then click the save button, it will save
flightline 11 to filename LDR...12.LAS.

Current work-around is to only load a single file into LAG at a time when classifying.

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