Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#579 new bug - Checking length of wls file is same as number of wavelengths in header files

Reported by: dap Owned by:
Priority: alpha 4 medium Milestone:
Component: arsf_internal_code Keywords:
Cc: dac, lah Other processors:


At the moment, this gets the year of the flight, gets the wls file from the calibration that year, gets the number of lines in the wls file and makes sure the number of wavelengths is the same as the length as one of the wls files.

This causes problems when a calibration from a different year (other than the one it was flown on) is used to process the dataset if the number of wavelengths has changed.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by dac

Rather than finding the calibration file in it would be easier and nicer to find as part of the library which is used to check the number of wavelengths.

Doing this should allow the code used to get the calibration file used for APL to be reused.

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