Opened 17 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
#62 closed flight processing (fixed)
GB2007/05, flight day 234a/2007, Windermere/Esthwaite
Reported by: | mggr | Owned by: | mggr |
Priority: | alpha 4 high | Milestone: | 2007 data processing completion |
Component: | Processing: general | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Other processors: |
Description (last modified by anee)
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/flight_data/uk/GB2007_05-2007_234a_Windermere_Esthwaite
Data arrived from ARSF via second SATA disk transfer at the start of Sept.
Scientific details: Data to inform models of potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms in lakes. See ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/ARSF_Applications-GB_2007/GB07-05_*pdf
Related tickets: #61 (shares many files) and others
- CASI (delivered 20/Dec/2007)
Attachments (5)
Change History (24)
comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
Vectors available at ~arsf/vectors/from_akw/windermere
comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
- Owner changed from mggr to anee
comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by anee
All CASI lines appear to process through fine as well as ATM line3.
ATM line 2 fails with the error:
no ATM data on this file scans: 0 to: 0
ATM line 3 fails with the error:
./runa/ line 86: 27293 Segmentation fault aznav -v -a2 -p2 -f 7 7 1 -h ${LEV1_HDF} -at ${GPTOFF} 0.0 -acv ${PRH} 0.2655 0.006353 1.741
comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by anee
Processed flight data located in: /users/rsg/anee/scratch_space/GB2007_06-2007_192b_New_Forest
Delivery directory created and filled for CASI only.
comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by anee
Processed flight data located actually in: /users/rsg/anee/scratch_space/GB2007_05-2007_234a_Windermere_Esthwaite
comment:7 Changed 17 years ago by anee
- Owner changed from anee to mggr
comment:8 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
- Owner changed from mggr to anee
Synced into main repo at ~/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/flight_data/uk/GB2007_05-2007_234a_Windermere_Esthwaite
Handing ticket back for ATM processing later (and could you add a quicklook for the casi?)
Changed 17 years ago by anee
Changed 17 years ago by anee
Changed 17 years ago by anee
Changed 17 years ago by anee
Changed 17 years ago by anee
comment:9 Changed 17 years ago by anee
- Description modified (diff)
comment:10 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
Checked CASI delivery - one minor change to readme (typo on pixel sizes) - ready to burn.
comment:11 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
I got a query from Peter Hunter about the status of outstanding CASI deliveries for GB07/05. That may have been referring to just flight day 116, but could you note in this ticket whether and when this dataset was delivered? It was obviously all prepared, but was just before Xmas..
comment:12 Changed 17 years ago by anee
Casi data sent 20/Dec/2007 to Dr. Tyler, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University of Stirling.
comment:13 Changed 17 years ago by anee
- Description modified (diff)
comment:14 Changed 17 years ago by anee
- Owner changed from anee to mggr
ATM lines 1 and 2 both ending in seg faults. Efforts made to solve this using various options in az software but no luck.
Also, stange band 11 CALmin value for line 2.
band : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
CALmin : 24506 24467 24412 24486 24509 24700 24661 24269 24301 24454 79333877641859151927499235948232704
comment:15 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
- Owner changed from mggr to anee
line 2 seems to process ok for me (pmpc889) - dumped script in your dir to retest with.
Partial success with line 1 too - it seems to have a problem with the GPS timing. I've managed to get a (wobbly) line with a rather heroic SCTOFF of approx 33570. Dumped a copy of that script in ~anee/scratch/GB2007_05-2007_234a_Windermere_Esthwaite/runa/
comment:16 Changed 17 years ago by anee
- Owner changed from anee to benj
Processed ATM flight data located in:
Delivery directory created (20080502)
comment:17 Changed 17 years ago by benj
- Owner changed from benj to anee
Checked, seems fine. Rsynced to ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/flight_data/uk/GB2007_05-2007_234a_Windermere_Esthwaite
comment:19 Changed 16 years ago by mggr
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
Data sent to NEODC for archiving.
Note that there are two sets of Rinex for this - use the base station closest to the site.
Also note that there are a lot of extra ATM files. These probably relate to 234b (#61) and 234d (#60) but I've left them in place until we know for sure which are which (check lat/longs).