Opened 14 months ago
Last modified 7 months ago
#722 new flight processing
SwathS, flight day 183/2023, Grosseto
Reported by: | jann | Owned by: | |
Priority: | immediate | Milestone: | |
Component: | Processing: general | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Other processors: |
Data location: /users/rsg/airborne/2023_arsf_data/flight_data/italy/SwathS_23-2023_183_Grosseto
Data arrived from NERC-ARF via hard drive September/October 2023
PI: Martin Wooster
Fenix1k (requested, flown)
IBIS ( main requested, flown)
OWL ( requested, flown)
Change History (11)
comment:1 Changed 14 months ago by jann
comment:2 Changed 14 months ago by wja
Navigation Processing
Basestation data converted to RINEX. All previous flights are also included in the basestation data, so just this flights data needed to be extracted (done with teqc).
GPS and GLONASS broadcast ephermides, along with precise ephemeris data accessed from CDDIS. PosPac could not access these itself.
Completed processing using the single base method. Also exported post-processed navigation data in ASCII format.
comment:3 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Owl data processed to level1b. Have been mapping with the following boresight:
View Angle | Pitch | Roll | Yaw |
Nadir | +0.00 | -0.60 | +0.70 |
25 deg | -0.18 | -0.60 | +1.07 |
34 deg | -0.25 | -0.60 | +1.20 |
Note that 25 degree angle is not the usual 20 degree. I have scaled the values of nadir and 34 degrees to estimate this.
comment:4 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Note that raw file Grosseto_OWLGrosseto_2023-07-02_09-59-19 does not have a header file. It cannot be processed.
comment:5 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Boresight looks bad. Roll is wrong for viewing angles of 25 degrees and 34 degrees. Nadir facing data looks okay.
comment:6 Changed 8 months ago by wja
Angles vs lines for reference:
Flightline | View Angle |
1 | nadir |
2 | nadir |
3 | nadir |
4 | 34 deg |
5 | 25 deg |
6 | 25 deg |
7 | 34 deg |
8 | 34 deg |
9 | 25 deg |
10 | 25 deg |
11 | 34 deg |
12 | 34 deg |
13 | nadir |
14 | nadir |
15 | nadir |
16 | 34 deg |
17 | 25 deg |
18 | 25 deg |
19 | 34 deg |
20 | 34 deg |
21 | 25 deg |
22 | 25 deg |
23 | 34 deg |
24 | nadir |
25 | nadir |
comment:7 Changed 7 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Geocorrection errors were caused by not inputting the DEM properly.
Very minor geoaccuracy issues are present in some lines, these have been improved by adding a +0.1 second offset to the affected lines.
See below table:
Angles vs lines for reference:
Flightline | View Angle | Time Offset |
1 | nadir | |
2 | nadir | |
3 | nadir | |
4 | 34 deg | |
5 | 25 deg | |
6 | 25 deg | |
7 | 34 deg | +0.10 |
8 | 34 deg | |
9 | 25 deg | +0.10 |
10 | 25 deg | +0.10 |
11 | 34 deg | |
12 | 34 deg | |
13 | nadir | +0.10 |
14 | nadir | |
15 | nadir | |
16 | 34 deg | |
17 | 25 deg | +0.10 |
18 | 25 deg | |
19 | 34 deg | +0.10 |
20 | 34 deg | |
21 | 25 deg | +0.10 |
22 | 25 deg | +0.10 |
23 | 34 deg | +0.10 |
24 | nadir | +0.10 |
25 | nadir | +0.10 |
comment:8 Changed 7 months ago by wja
Owl Processing
Processing all bands.
Then will create delivery.
comment:9 Changed 7 months ago by wja
Delivery Created
Ready for check
comment:10 Changed 7 months ago by asm
All checks have been done and all test passed. Zipping mapped files and project will be ready to be delivered.
Most of the files have a few lines that at the beginning are a bit noisy in some bands but otherwise fine. It might be that those bands need a bit more time to warm up.
comment:11 Changed 7 months ago by asm
Delivered via FTP, slot5 and notification sent on 27/08/2024.
Owl rename: