Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#125 IPY07/13, flight day 214b/2007, Skeidararjokull benj, mggr assigned benj flight processing alpha 4 high
#396 GB11/00, flight day 083/2011, Chopwell mggr, emca assigned knpa flight processing whenever
#415 BB11_01, flight day 244a/2011, Brecon Beacons mggr assigned adbe flight processing alpha 4 high
#416 BB11_01, flight day 244b/2011, Brecon Beacons mggr assigned mggr flight processing alpha 4 high
#91 Automatic detection of scan timing offsets mggr new mark1 task alpha 4 medium
#111 Possible bad pixels or calibration for Hawk mggr new benj task alpha 5
#113 Eagle/Hawk spectra over water have a "bump" at ~970nm mggr new benj task immediate
#124 IPY07/12, flight day 214a/2007, Skeioararjokull benj, mggr new mggr flight processing alpha 4 high
#126 IPY07/12, flight day 214d/2007, Skeioararjokull benj, mggr new mggr flight processing alpha 4 high
#186 Support: 25/Jul/08, Andrew Wilson, Alignment error in delivered data mggr new benj support alpha 4 high
#193 Geotiff viewer ( and gtiff2jpg script) fail to display the full image if high number of lines (>~32000) mggr new mark1 bug whenever
#218 Dark frames missing from some data files mggr, jatt new benj Data problem alpha 5
#220 2009 flights affected by varying offset jatt, mggr, mark1 new benj Data problem alpha 5
#221 Field in header files labelled 'fwhm' is actually bandwidth mggr new benj Data problem alpha 5
#291 Last Hawk band (233) always blank in level 1 mggr new benj bug alpha 4 medium
#296 Consolidation of data tracking systems mggr new benj enhancement alpha 4 low
#325 File format recording mggr new benj task alpha 4 medium
#569 Only show LiDAR data DSM in Readme file mark1, mggr new dac enhancement immediate
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