Custom Query (31 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#24 Google Earth demo new task whenever The Glorious Future PML utilities
#111 Possible bad pixels or calibration for Hawk new task alpha 5 Data collection
#113 Eagle/Hawk spectra over water have a "bump" at ~970nm new task immediate Data collection
#137 Reprocessing request: HY05/03 new flight processing alpha 4 high Reprocessing Processing: general
#139 Reprocessing request: GB04-06 Kielder new flight processing alpha 4 high Reprocessing Archiving
#186 Support: 25/Jul/08, Andrew Wilson, Alignment error in delivered data new support alpha 4 high Support
#218 Dark frames missing from some data files new Data problem alpha 5 Processing: general
#219 Support: 17/Dec/08, Hassan Khavarian, Problems with azgcorr, queries about atmospheric correction new support alpha 4 high Support
#220 2009 flights affected by varying offset new Data problem alpha 5 Processing: general
#221 Field in header files labelled 'fwhm' is actually bandwidth new Data problem alpha 5 Metadata
#223 Synthetic datasets new enhancement whenever The Glorious Future ARSF
#238 Documentation for NEODC new task whenever The Glorious Future Archiving
#241 Boresight, flight day 141/2009, Little Rissington new flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Processing: general
#246 Boresight, flight day 154c/2009, Little Rissington new flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Processing: general
#290 Create a recommendations document for ground teams new flight processing whenever The Glorious Future Support
#291 Last Hawk band (233) always blank in level 1 new bug alpha 4 medium Processing: general
#294 UR09/01, flight day 327/2009, Cumbria Floods new flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Archiving
#296 Consolidation of data tracking systems new enhancement alpha 4 low Processing: general
#325 File format recording new task alpha 4 medium Metadata
#335 Run script updates new bug alpha 4 high The Glorious Future PML utilities
#470 ET12/17, flight day 321/2012, Corbetti_Alutu new flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving
#475 GB12/04, flight day 106/2013, Eaves Wood new flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving
#482 EM10/06, flight day 134/2013, Perugia new flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving
#483 EM12/19, flight day 133/2013, Perugia new flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving
#485 GB13/00, flight day 192/2013, Little Rissington new flight processing immediate Processing: general
#505 THL13/01, flight day 267c/2013, Thales new flight processing immediate Archiving
#506 THL13/01, flight day 267b/2013, Thales new flight processing immediate Archiving
#511 BAS13/01, flight day 062/2014, Tamar new flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving
#55 GB07/05, flight day 116b/2007, Esthwaite assigned flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Archiving
#123 IPY07/09, flight day 219b/2007, Krafla assigned flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Archiving
#125 IPY07/13, flight day 214b/2007, Skeidararjokull assigned flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Archiving
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.