Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#19 Web-based user guide new sbg enhancement alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future
#103 User documentation needs update new sbg enhancement alpha 5 The Glorious Future
#165 Updates to ATM code to allow processing of old (pre 1996) ATM data for NEODC accepted mggr enhancement alpha 4 high The Glorious Future
#202 Central collection of ground data new mggr enhancement whenever The Glorious Future
#207 Read file info from .hdr file when using -Bs in azgcorr new mggr enhancement whenever
#223 Synthetic datasets new benj enhancement whenever The Glorious Future
#357 Eagle smear correction incomplete new enhancement whenever The Glorious Future
#55 GB07/05, flight day 116b/2007, Esthwaite assigned benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion
#98 IPY07/02, flight day 213/2007, Þingvallavatn new mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion
#99 IPY07/06, flight day 217b/2007, Green Box new mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion
#122 IPY07/09, flight day 219a/2007, Krafla new mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion
#123 IPY07/09, flight day 219b/2007, Krafla assigned benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion
#169 GB08/08, flight day 175/2008, Wytham Woods assigned adbe flight processing alpha 4 high Reprocessing
#175 GB08/08, flight day 176b/2008, Wytham_Woods assigned adbe flight processing alpha 4 high Reprocessing
#290 Create a recommendations document for ground teams new benj flight processing whenever The Glorious Future
#12 Create regression test set new mggr task alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future
#24 Google Earth demo new benj task whenever The Glorious Future
#26 Fast quicklook utility assigned harg task whenever The Glorious Future
#132 Investigation of timing problems (with Specim) new mggr task alpha 4 high
#238 Documentation for NEODC new benj task whenever The Glorious Future
#288 RCD photo renamer new chrfi task immediate
#281 Hawk framerate reported incorrectly in header file / Hawk dropping every second frame new mggr Data problem immediate
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