Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#300 using close button in file open window causes graphics bug accepted harg alpha 4 medium LAG
#170 gtviewer crashes when viewing images with sub-metre pixel sizes (0.5m) assigned anch alpha 4 high Processing: general
#193 Geotiff viewer ( and gtiff2jpg script) fail to display the full image if high number of lines (>~32000) new mark1 whenever The Glorious Future PML utilities
#291 Last Hawk band (233) always blank in level 1 new benj alpha 4 medium Processing: general
#335 Run script updates new benj alpha 4 high The Glorious Future PML utilities
#570 make_arsf_delivery hangs when creating lidar screenshots new dac immediate The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code
#571 Too easy to save incorrect file in LAG save file dialogue new dac immediate The Glorious Future LAG
#574 LAG Crash after about 30 files have been loaded new tec immediate The Glorious Future LAG
#575 doesn't get commands when there is no flightline 1 new tec alpha 4 high The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code
#576 line number bug new tec alpha 4 low The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code
#577 make_arsf_delivery script LiDAR Dem generation bad filepath new tec alpha 4 low The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code
#579 - Checking length of wls file is same as number of wavelengths in header files new alpha 4 medium arsf_internal_code
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.