Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#28 Documentation for sensors mggr task alpha 4 high The Glorious Future ARSF
#260 IPY09/10, flight day 217/2009, Russell knpa flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#280 GB07/09-10, flight day 239b, Swiss alps mark1 flight processing alpha 4 medium 2009 Data processing completion Archiving
#352 GB07/09, Flight day 212a/2010, Alps knpa flight processing alpha 4 medium 2010 data processing completion Archiving
#439 GB12/04, flight day 090/2012, Frame Wood adbe flight processing alpha 4 medium 2012 data processing completion Processing: general
#448 GB12/00, flight day 206a/2012, Little Rissington knpa flight processing immediate 2012 data processing completion Processing: general
#165 Updates to ATM code to allow processing of old (pre 1996) ATM data for NEODC mggr enhancement alpha 4 high The Glorious Future az* programs
#317 Replace (or augment) all command-line output with GUI friendly alternatives. harg enhancement alpha 4 high LAG
#300 using close button in file open window causes graphics bug harg bug alpha 4 medium LAG
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