Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (355 - 357 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#312 | fixed | Diagonal Fences | chrfi | knpa |
Description |
To be able to draw fences in the main window which aren't orthogonal rectangles, i.e. are slanted to the left or right. |
#29 | fixed | GB2007/07, flight day 102a/2007, Inverclyde | benj | mggr |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/flight_data/uk/GB2007_07-2007_102a_Inverclyde Data arrived from ARSF via second SATA disk transfer at the start of Sept. Scientific details:
Related tickets: #52 Sensors
NotesAlasdair Mac Arthur (PI is Tim Malthus, but Alasdair is the person doing the work) has volunteered to be the 2007 Specim guinea pig. There are several flights in this project, see: #52 |
#37 | fixed | azspec filepaths too short | benj | mggr |
Description |
The array allocated for the calibration file paths is too short (60 chars). Workaround: symlink calibration to get a shorter path. Report to Bill post-Iceland. Long path (fail)arsf@pmpc974:~/scratch_space/2007/boresight-2007_166<1152>azspec -1 lev1/e166011a.hdf -s eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1 -scr ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/ -sch ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.hdrXXXX -scc ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.cfg -sc ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- azspec -- ver: 1.1.2 May 16 2007 (C) Azimuth Systems UK 2005, 2007 Raw file header: eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.hdr Raw file : eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.raw Darks frames at end of image file, 43 frames starting at: 3211 Image lines corrected from: 3253 to 3210 Optics from basic details and binning port fov: 16.163 full fov: 34.722 corr oa: 256.00 scpixels: 477 image file frame count start: 16365 end: 19574 total lines: 3209 file lines: 3210 Dark frames at end of raw file: 43 darks to be used: 50 ** dark frame: 1 not used - averages this: 55.25 previous: 485.13 Radcal file header: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020 Radcal file : /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020 Config file : /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020� ** unable to open ENVI header file: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020 Calibration file do not match to data. Processing interrupted Using HDF file: lev1/e166011a.hdf scan sync start time(s) from NAV: 3 HDFStart fov: 34.7 fovp: 16.2 scpixels: 477 New BIL bands: 63 pix: 477 lines: 3209 HDF image data: CAimage bands: 63 pixels: 477 lines: 3209 FODIS (ILS) bands: 63 pixels: 1 lines: 3209 (aborted) Short path (ok)arsf@pmpc974:~/scratch_space/2007/boresight-2007_166<1154>azspec -1 lev1/e166011a.hdf -s eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1 -sc calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- azspec -- ver: 1.1.2 May 16 2007 (C) Azimuth Systems UK 2005, 2007 Raw file header: eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.hdr Raw file : eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.raw Darks frames at end of image file, 43 frames starting at: 3211 Image lines corrected from: 3253 to 3210 Optics from basic details and binning port fov: 16.163 full fov: 34.722 corr oa: 256.00 scpixels: 477 image file frame count start: 16365 end: 19574 total lines: 3209 file lines: 3210 Dark frames at end of raw file: 43 darks to be used: 50 ** dark frame: 1 not used - averages this: 55.25 previous: 485.13 Radcal file header: calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.hdr Radcal file : calibration/eagle/ Config file : calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.cfg Using HDF file: lev1/e166011a.hdf scan sync start time(s) from NAV: 3 HDFStart fov: 34.7 fovp: 16.2 scpixels: 477 New BIL bands: 63 pix: 477 lines: 3209 HDF image data: CAimage bands: 63 pixels: 477 lines: 3209 FODIS (ILS) bands: 63 pixels: 1 lines: 3209 SpecNavProc gotsync: 1 synclater: 1 ... |
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