Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#65 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#66 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#67 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#68 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#69 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#105 Hawk FODIS seems uncalibrated benj task alpha 5 Data collection
#106 Hawk data very noisy in some bands benj task alpha 5 Data collection
#107 Eagle/Hawk spectrums misaligned benj task immediate Data collection
#249 Rescaling dark frames causes calibration errors benj bug alpha 5 az* programs
#250 Create program to rescale dark file benj task immediate PML utilities
#318 LAG crashes when a profile is selected that contains no points. harg bug alpha 4 high LAG
#367 EUFAR10/01 (AIMWETLAB), flight day 253b/2010, Lake Balaton Peninsula flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.