Custom Query (61 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (60 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#75 Acquire 2008 radiometric calibration mggr task immediate ARSF 17 years
#148 UR08/01, flight day 140, Black_Venn mark1 flight processing immediate Processing: general 17 years
#164 pre_lidar_cal, flight day 016/2008 knpa flight processing immediate Archiving 17 years
#194 Azgcorr ENVI header issues (Support: Karl Hennermann, GB08/20) benj bug immediate az* programs 16 years
#145 Wider scale geoid spheroid file needed benj enhancement alpha 5 az* programs 17 years
#176 NL08/01, flight day 136/2008, Eucaari mggr flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general 17 years
#187 GB08/19, flight day 227, London Night mark1 flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general 16 years
#188 GB08/19, flight day 228, London Day mark1 flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general 16 years
#70 Test radiometric calibration mggr task alpha 4 high ARSF 17 years
#76 Arrange availability of NextMap DEMs for 2008 data distribution mggr task alpha 4 high ARSF 17 years
#77 Boresight and lever arm mggr task alpha 4 high ARSF 17 years
#120 GB07/04, flight day 044/2008, Hayton mark1 flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#131 Boresight, flight day 116/2008, Monks Wood knpa flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 17 years
#134 ET07/07, flight day 030/2008, Lake Tana Box2 NS mark1 flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#135 ET07/07, flight day 029/2008, Lake Tana Box1 EW mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#136 ET07/05, flight day 034, Mojo mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#138 ET07/03, flight day 026b/2008, Alem Tena ABC mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#140 ET07/02, flight day 031/2008, Difarsa mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#141 GB07/03, flight day 049a/2008, 4 Welsh Sites mark1 flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#142 GB07/12, flight day 049b/2008, Wytham Woods mark1 flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#143 ET07/06, flight day 035a/2008, Konso mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#146 ET07/01, flight day 036, Rift_North mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#147 ET07/04, flight day 035b, Rift_South mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#149 boresight, flight day 043/2008, Monks_Wood knpa flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 17 years
#150 GB08/03, flight day 127a/2008, Burbage_Moor mark1 flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#152 GB08/02, flight day 128a/2008, Delamere_wood mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#153 boresight, flight day 099/2008, Monks_Wood knpa flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 17 years
#154 GB08/15, flight day 129/2008, Eaves_Wood_day mark1 flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#155 GB08/15, flight day 130/2008, Eaves_Wood_night mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#156 NL08/01, flight day 141/2008, Eucaari mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#158 GB08/18, flight day 134a/2008, River_Frome mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#159 GB08/11, flight day 135/2008, Brooms Farm mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#161 NL08/01, flight day 132/2008, Eucaari mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#163 Cloud Test, flight day 031/2008, ethiopia knpa flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 17 years
#177 NL08/01, flight day 142/2008, Eucaari mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#178 GB08/18, flight day 176a/2008, River_Frome jatt flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#179 GB08/03, flight day 183b/2008, Burbage Moor jatt flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#180 GB08/11, flight day 183a/2008, Brooms Farm jatt flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#183 GB08/02, flight day 186a/2008, Delamere_Wood jatt flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
#184 CEH07/02, flight day 186b/2008, Stanlow mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 17 years
#190 Boresight, flight day 242/2008, Iceland knpa flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 16 years
#191 IPY07/09, flight day 249a/2008, Krafla benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#192 IPY07/09, flight day 249b/2008, Krafla benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#195 VOC_01, flight day 300/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#196 VOC_02, flight day 302/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#197 VOC_03, flight day 304/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#205 VOC_04, flight day 305/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#206 VOC_05, flight day 307/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#208 Boresight, flight day 330/2008, Little Rissington knpa flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#209 VOC_06, flight day 308/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#210 VOC_07, flight day 309/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#211 VOC_08, flight day 310/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#212 VOC_09, flight day 311/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#213 VOC_10, flight day 314/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#214 VOC_11, flight day 315/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#215 VOC_13, flight day 318/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#216 VOC_14, flight day 318/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#217 VOC_15, flight day 319/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 16 years
#100 Geotiff viewer crashes on loading ENVI-produced Geotiff anch task alpha 4 medium PML utilities 17 years
#181 No code, flight day 183c/2008, Grimsbrook mggr flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving 17 years

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#174 GB08/08, flight day 175/2008, Wytham_Woods flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 17 years
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