Version 12 (modified by gaew, 17 years ago) (diff)


2007 data collection status

This page describes the status of upcoming flights. For status on data processing for flights that have been flown, see this page.

Note that the actual date of flight is dependent on operational and weather conditions.

Project Location PI Status
GB07/04 Hayton / Millington Wood Peter Halkon February 2008
GB07/12 Peak District Andrew Wilson & Martin Wooster Roll-over to Feb 2008
GB07/05 Estwaite/Windermere Andrew Tyler Partially supported roll-over to Feb 2008
GB07/05 Loch Leven Andrew Tyler Partially supported roll-over to Feb 2008
GB05/13 Plymouth Peter Land Partially supported roll-over to 2008
GB07/04 Estwaite/Windermere Andrew Tyler Partially supported roll-over to 2008
CEH07/01 Buckingham Andrew Wilson Partially supported
GB06/02 Frieston Shore Tom Spencer Partially supported, requires LiDAR data
GB01/12 Ripon Anthony Cooper Partially supported, requires LiDAR data
GB06/07 Silverflowe Andrew Wilson Partially supported
GB07/07 Inverclyde Andrew Wilson Partially supported
GB07/03 Mid-Wales Andrew Wilson Partially supported
GB03/01 Fiskerton-Barlings Jim Williams Roll-over to 2008
GB06/08 Weardale Claire Flemming Roll-over to 2008
HY05/02 Ayreshire Graham Ferrier Roll-over to 2008
HY05/04 Thameshaven Andrew Wilson Roll-over to 2008
HY05/06 Glenogil/Pitlochry Mark Cutler Roll-over to 2008
CEH07/02 Stanlow Andrew Wilson Roll-over to 2008
CEH07/04 Moorhouse/Ribblehead/Hellifield Andrew Wilson Roll-over to 2008
IPY07/09 Iceland Tim Wright Roll-over for 2008
GB07/09 Alps Martin Kirkbride Requires re-evaluation for 2008
GB07/10 Alps Ben Broke Requires re-evaluation for 2008
GB05/07 Severn, Stour & Thames Paul Bates Contingency project
CEH07/05 Wytham Wood Andrew Wilson Repeat Project

Flight season completed (plane in servicing)


Upcoming flights

IPY2007/04 part A

(detail view

Flights to process

GB2007/07, flight day 102a/2007, Inverclyde
BGS2007/02, flight day 172/2007
GB2004/19, flight day 102b/2007, Nigg Bay
GB2005/02, flight day 109a/2007, Dee Estuary
GB2007/05, flight day 103a/2007, Loch Leven
GB2007/05, flight day 103b/2007, Loch Leven
GB2007/05, flight day 103c/2007, Loch Leven
GB2007/07, flight day 191a/2007, Inverclyde
CEH2007/01 (GB2007/12), flight day 240/2007, Buckingham
GB2007/05, flight day 116a/2007, Windermere
GB07/05, flight day 116b/2007, Esthwaite
CEH2007/06 (GB2007/12), flight day 192c/2007, Didcott
CEH2007/05 (GB2007/12), flight day 171a/2007, Wytham woods
CEH2007/05 (GB2007/12), flight day 73/2007, Wytham Woods
GB2007/05, flight day 234d/2007, Loch Leven
GB2007/05, flight day 234b/2007, Loch Leven
GB2007/05, flight day 234a/2007, Windermere/Esthwaite
GB2006/07, flight day 241a/2007, Silver Flowe
GB2007/07, flight day 241b/2007, Inverclyde
GB2004/11, flight day 261/2007, Plymouth
GB2005/03, flight day 254a/2007, Harwood
GB2004/03, flight day 171a/2007, Huntingdon/Cambridge
GB2007/06, flight day 192b/2007, New Forest
GB2007/06, flight day 192a/2007, Dorchester
GB2007/03, flight day 233/2007, "Four Welsh sites"
BGS07/02, flight day 248/2007, Latera
IPY07/11, flight day 200/2007, Helheim+Kanger
IPY07/10, flight day 201/2007, Russell Glacier
IPY07/10, flight day 203/2007, Russell Glacier
IPY07/10, flight day 204/2007, Russell Glacier
IPY07/11, flight day 205a/2007, Helheim
IPY07/11, flight day 205b/2007, Kanger
IPY07/02, flight day 213/2007, Þingvallavatn
IPY07/06, flight day 217b/2007, Green Box
IPY07/11, flight day 200a/2007, Helheim
IPY07/11, flight day 200b/2007, Kanger
IPY07/09, flight day 219a/2007, Krafla
IPY07/09, flight day 219b/2007, Krafla
IPY07/12, flight day 214a/2007, Skeioararjokull
IPY07/13, flight day 214b/2007, Skeidararjokull
IPY07/12, flight day 214d/2007, Skeioararjokull
IPY07/08, flight day 214ef/2007, Langjökull