Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (401 - 432 of 432)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#287 Azspec adds extra blank lines to the end of some level 1 files benj bug alpha 4 low az* programs
#222 Azsite segfaults if critical items are blank benj bug alpha 4 medium az* programs
#87 Aznav omits initial 0 on grid references starting with 0 benj bug alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future az* programs
#114 Az* lever arm better with offsets mggr enhancement alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future az* programs
#116 azgcorr seg fault mggr bug alpha 4 medium az* programs
#194 Azgcorr ENVI header issues (Support: Karl Hennermann, GB08/20) benj bug immediate 2008 data processing completion az* programs
#44 azgcorr 7-point Bursa-Wolff datum transformations not working correctly mggr bug alpha 5 azgcorr
#121 Azatm -cuo option seemingly not working benj bug whenever az* programs
#86 Azatm always reports scan rate as 50.0 when processing benj bug alpha 4 high az* programs
#1 Automatic CASI RGB TIF production mggr task whenever PML utilities
#200 Atmospheric correction investigation mggr task alpha 4 high ARSF
#115 ATM bands marked bad suspiciously mggr bug immediate az* programs
#303 ASCII file reading default format code needed harg enhancement alpha 4 low LAG
#25 ARSF website mock up mggr task alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future PML utilities
#76 Arrange availability of NextMap DEMs for 2008 data distribution mggr task alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion ARSF
#112 Add BigTIFF support to azexhdf mggr enhancement alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future az* programs
#173 Acquire extra info about Specim instruments mggr task alpha 5 The Glorious Future Metadata
#22 Acquire Applanix software amro task alpha 4 high ARSF
#75 Acquire 2008 radiometric calibration mggr task immediate 2008 data processing completion ARSF
#39 Acquire 2007 radiometric calibration mggr task immediate 2007 data processing completion ARSF
#10 Access to OS vector overlays mggr enhancement alpha 5 The Glorious Future ARSF
#6 271-WM06-17-Vigo amro flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#7 271-WM06-17-Vigo amro flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#8 271-WM06-17-Vigo mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#32 206-GB05-03-Hardwood mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#17 184-GB06-09, Isle of Wight, 3/7/2006 mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#16 157-wm06-09, Sinard, 6.6.2006 anee flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#4 154 wm06-04-Madrid-3/6/2006 amro flight processing whenever 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#18 144-wm06-13- Rio Tinto 24.6.2006 amro flight processing alpha 4 medium 2006 data processing completion azcaschk2
#5 144-WM06-11 Rio Tinto mggr flight processing alpha 4 medium 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#34 138-jitter ATM sbg flight processing alpha 4 high 2006 data processing completion ARSF
#30 138-2006-San Marcos mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
1 2 3 4 5
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