Custom Query (223 matches)


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Owner: anch (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#383 Testing adding a ticket through phpPgAdmin flight processing immediate The Glorious Future Processing: general 14 years

Owner: anhi (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#477 RG12/09, flight day 120b/2013, Wessex flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 11 years
#476 GB13/00, flight day 128/2013, Little Rissington flight processing immediate Processing: general 11 years

Owner: asm (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#674 Magic, flight day 229a/2021, Kiruna, Sweden flight processing immediate Processing: general 3 years
#675 Magic, flight day 229b/2021, Kiruna, Sweden flight processing immediate Processing: general 3 years

Owner: benj (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#24 Google Earth demo task whenever The Glorious Future PML utilities 17 years
#223 Synthetic datasets enhancement whenever The Glorious Future ARSF 16 years
#238 Documentation for NEODC task whenever The Glorious Future Archiving 15 years
#290 Create a recommendations document for ground teams flight processing whenever The Glorious Future Support 15 years
#296 Consolidation of data tracking systems enhancement alpha 4 low Processing: general 15 years
#291 Last Hawk band (233) always blank in level 1 bug alpha 4 medium Processing: general 15 years
#325 File format recording task alpha 4 medium Metadata 14 years
#475 GB12/04, flight day 106/2013, Eaves Wood flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving 11 years
#482 EM10/06, flight day 134/2013, Perugia flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving 11 years
#483 EM12/19, flight day 133/2013, Perugia flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving 11 years
#511 BAS13/01, flight day 062/2014, Tamar flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving 11 years
#137 Reprocessing request: HY05/03 flight processing alpha 4 high Reprocessing Processing: general 16 years
#139 Reprocessing request: GB04-06 Kielder flight processing alpha 4 high Reprocessing Archiving 16 years
#186 Support: 25/Jul/08, Andrew Wilson, Alignment error in delivered data support alpha 4 high Support 16 years
#219 Support: 17/Dec/08, Hassan Khavarian, Problems with azgcorr, queries about atmospheric correction support alpha 4 high Support 16 years
#335 Run script updates bug alpha 4 high The Glorious Future PML utilities 14 years
#470 ET12/17, flight day 321/2012, Corbetti_Alutu flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 12 years
#111 Possible bad pixels or calibration for Hawk task alpha 5 Data collection 17 years
#218 Dark frames missing from some data files Data problem alpha 5 Processing: general 16 years
#220 2009 flights affected by varying offset Data problem alpha 5 Processing: general 16 years
#221 Field in header files labelled 'fwhm' is actually bandwidth Data problem alpha 5 Metadata 16 years
#113 Eagle/Hawk spectra over water have a "bump" at ~970nm task immediate Data collection 17 years
#241 Boresight, flight day 141/2009, Little Rissington flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Processing: general 15 years
#246 Boresight, flight day 154c/2009, Little Rissington flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Processing: general 15 years
#294 UR09/01, flight day 327/2009, Cumbria Floods flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Archiving 15 years
#485 GB13/00, flight day 192/2013, Little Rissington flight processing immediate Processing: general 11 years
#505 THL13/01, flight day 267c/2013, Thales flight processing immediate Archiving 11 years
#506 THL13/01, flight day 267b/2013, Thales flight processing immediate Archiving 11 years

Owner: besm (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#479 RG12/09, flight day 121/2013, Wessex flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general 11 years

Owner: chrfi (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#288 RCD photo renamer task immediate Processing: general 15 years
#313 Improve zoomed out drawing of pixels by height (Average pixels over an area?) enhancement immediate LAG 15 years
#314 Average point heights over a user defined area enhancement immediate LAG 15 years

Owner: dac (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#569 Only show LiDAR data DSM in Readme file enhancement immediate The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code 9 years
#570 make_arsf_delivery hangs when creating lidar screenshots bug immediate The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code 9 years
#571 Too easy to save incorrect file in LAG save file dialogue bug immediate The Glorious Future LAG 9 years
#573 Roll Offsets Automation Script task immediate The Glorious Future alsproc 9 years
#666 SwathS, flight day 200/2021, Alconbury (Boresight) flight processing immediate Processing: general 3 years

Owner: edfi (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#473 GB13/00, flight day 050/2013, Little Rissington flight processing immediate Processing: general 12 years
#503 THL13-01, flight day 267/2013, Thales flight processing immediate 2013 data processing completion Archiving 11 years
#504 THL13/01, flight day 281/2013, Thales flight processing immediate 2013 data processing completion Archiving 11 years

Owner: emca (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#245 GB09/00, flight day 154b/2009, Oxford Parks flight processing whenever 2009 Data processing completion Archiving 15 years
#336 GB08/18, Flight day 262/2008 River Frome flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving 14 years
#337 UR08/02, flight day 261/2008, River Coquet flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving 14 years
#348 Boresight, flight day 096/2010, Little rissington flight processing immediate 2010 data processing completion Processing: general 14 years
#440 GB12/00, flight day 125/2012, Heerbrug flight processing immediate 2012 data processing completion Processing: general 12 years
#507 GB13/00, flight day 308a/2013, Little Rissington flight processing immediate 2013 data processing completion Processing: general 11 years

Owner: jaho (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#422 BB11_01, flight day 272a/2011, Brecon Beacons flight processing alpha 4 high 2011 data processing completion Processing: general 13 years
#423 BB11_01, flight day 272c/2011, Brecon Beacons flight processing alpha 4 high 2011 data processing completion Processing: general 13 years

Owner: knpa (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#237 GB09/01, flight day 092/2009, Capel Dewi flight processing whenever 2009 Data processing completion Processing: general 15 years
#516 BAS13/01, flight day 069/2014, Tamar flight processing alpha 4 medium 2014 data processing completion Processing: general 10 years
#481 RG12/09, flight day 127b/2013, Wessex flight processing alpha 4 high 2013 data processing completion Archiving 11 years
#540 HS2-AF14H789, flight day 245/2014, Blom Lichfield flight processing alpha 5 2014 data processing completion Processing: general 10 years
#431 GB11/00, flight day 307/2011, Timing Test flight processing immediate 2011 data processing completion Archiving 13 years
#531 SELEX14/01, flight day 152b/2014, Selex flight processing immediate 2014 data processing completion Processing: general 10 years

Owner: lah (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#614 Owl Calibration 2017 task immediate The Glorious Future ARSF 7 years

Owner: mark1 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#193 Geotiff viewer ( and gtiff2jpg script) fail to display the full image if high number of lines (>~32000) bug whenever The Glorious Future PML utilities 16 years
#91 Automatic detection of scan timing offsets task alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future Processing: general 17 years
#227 LIDAR calibration, flight day 058/2009, Little Rissington flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Processing: LIDAR 16 years
#251 LIDAR Calibration, flight day 180a/2009, Little Rissington flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Data collection 15 years
#257 LIDAR calibration roll boresight issue Data problem immediate Processing: LIDAR 15 years

Owner: mggr (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#202 Central collection of ground data enhancement whenever The Glorious Future Archiving 16 years
#207 Read file info from .hdr file when using -Bs in azgcorr enhancement whenever az* programs 16 years
#12 Create regression test set task alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future ARSF 17 years
#98 IPY07/02, flight day 213/2007, Þingvallavatn flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Archiving 17 years
#99 IPY07/06, flight day 217b/2007, Green Box flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Archiving 17 years
#122 IPY07/09, flight day 219a/2007, Krafla flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Archiving 16 years
#124 IPY07/12, flight day 214a/2007, Skeioararjokull flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Archiving 16 years
#126 IPY07/12, flight day 214d/2007, Skeioararjokull flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Archiving 16 years
#132 Investigation of timing problems (with Specim) task alpha 4 high ARSF 16 years
#281 Hawk framerate reported incorrectly in header file / Hawk dropping every second frame Data problem immediate Data collection 15 years

Owner: sbg (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#19 Web-based user guide enhancement alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future Support 17 years
#103 User documentation needs update enhancement alpha 5 The Glorious Future Support 17 years

Owner: stgo (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#515 GB14/00, flight day 078/2014, Little Riss flight processing immediate 2014 data processing completion Processing: general 10 years
#593 GHOST navigation data flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general 9 years

Owner: tec (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#576 line number bug bug alpha 4 low The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code 9 years
#577 make_arsf_delivery script LiDAR Dem generation bad filepath bug alpha 4 low The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code 9 years
#529 GB12/03, flight day 169/2014, Loch Lomond flight processing alpha 4 medium 2014 data processing completion Archiving 10 years
#575 doesn't get commands when there is no flightline 1 bug alpha 4 high The Glorious Future arsf_internal_code 9 years
#574 LAG Crash after about 30 files have been loaded bug immediate The Glorious Future LAG 9 years

Owner: tipo (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#480 RG12/09, flight day 127a/2013, Wessex flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving 11 years

Owner: wja (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#654 HyTES/19, flight day 170/2019, Grosseto flight processing immediate Processing: general 5 years

Owner: anonymous (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#357 Eagle smear correction incomplete enhancement whenever The Glorious Future Processing: general 14 years
#562 MA14/08, flight day 318/2014, North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest flight processing whenever Processing: general 10 years
#338 EM10/07, flight day 143/2010, Trapani flight processing alpha 4 low Processing: general 14 years
#449 RG12/10, flight day 206b/2012, Milton Keynes flight processing alpha 4 medium 2012 data processing completion Processing: general 12 years
#464 GB12/05, flight day 259/2012, Monks Wood flight processing alpha 4 medium 2012 data processing completion Processing: general 12 years
#467 GB12/04, flight day 291b/2012, Eaves Wood flight processing alpha 4 medium 2012 data processing completion Processing: general 12 years
#471 ET12/18, flight day 318/2012, Rift flight processing alpha 4 medium Processing: general 12 years
#474 LiDAR Calibration Issues - Software support alpha 4 medium Processing: LIDAR 11 years
#495 IG13/19, flight day 219/2013, Virkisjokull flight processing alpha 4 medium 2013 data processing completion Processing: general 11 years
#512 BAS13/01, flight day 063/2014, Tamar flight processing alpha 4 medium Processing: general 11 years
#513 BAS13/01, flight day 068a/2014, Tamar flight processing alpha 4 medium Processing: general 11 years
#517 BAS13/01, flight day 070/2014, Tamar flight processing alpha 4 medium 2014 data processing completion Processing: general 10 years
#578 - Counting number of files enhancement alpha 4 medium arsf_internal_code 9 years
#579 - Checking length of wls file is same as number of wavelengths in header files bug alpha 4 medium arsf_internal_code 9 years
(more results for this group on next page)
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