Version 1 (modified by mggr, 17 years ago) (diff)


Data status

Bug status

BSEQ dump produces incorrect ENVI header
SCbedit & BSEQ/BIL external files in azgcorr
qcdisplay 437 segfault on raw ATM data
azspec filepaths too short
Point cloud conversion in azgcorr
azgcorr 7-point Bursa-Wolff datum transformations not working correctly
Specim sync errors
Eagle radiometric calibration mismatch
Azatm always reports scan rate as 50.0 when processing
Aznav omits initial 0 on grid references starting with 0
Restricting level 1 processing by scan line causes error
Azspec processed Hawk data has spectral spikes
ATM bands marked bad suspiciously
azgcorr seg fault
Difference between Azspec and Caligeo processed Hawk data
Azatm -cuo option seemingly not working
FODIS processing appears incorrect
Hardcoded default bands in bil.hdr
Overflow handling in azspec
gtviewer crashes when viewing images with sub-metre pixel sizes (0.5m)
Black flecks in ATM data
Geotiff viewer ( and gtiff2jpg script) fail to display the full image if high number of lines (>~32000)
Azgcorr ENVI header issues (Support: Karl Hennermann, GB08/20)
Southern hemisphere processing not working
Unable to re-interpolate nav on old level 1 HDF files
Azsite segfaults if critical items are blank
Specim synchronisation error
Rescaling dark frames causes calibration errors
Azspec adds extra blank lines to the end of some level 1 files
Last Hawk band (233) always blank in level 1
no fence causes crash on second load attempt
using fence causes flight line colours to change
loading file x then adding file y causes an error message
using close button in file open window causes graphics bug
flightline not displayed after loading
when zooming on overview and profile pixels jiggle
File appears black when opened
fedora 12 missing text under buttons
drawing the flight lines increases main memory usage
LAG crashes when a profile is selected that contains no points.
fence causes colour by height to break
Run script updates
DEM generation script fails on long lines
Hawk 2010 spectral calibration shifted
make_arsf_delivery hangs when creating lidar screenshots
Too easy to save incorrect file in LAG save file dialogue
LAG Crash after about 30 files have been loaded
#575 doesn't get commands when there is no flightline 1
#576 line number bug
make_arsf_delivery script LiDAR Dem generation bad filepath
#579 - Checking length of wls file is same as number of wavelengths in header files

Support status

Support: 15/May/2007, Rachel Gaulton, GB06/05
Support: 05/May/2007, John McArthur, ?
Support: 15/May/2007, Karl Hennermann, ?
Support: 06/July/2007, Peter North, ?
Support: 16/July/2007, Richard Teeuw (+Chris Hecker), WM
Support: 20/July/2007, Chris Hecker, WM2006/06
Support: 01/Oct/2007, Johanna Breyer, GB06-11
Support: 22/Oct/2007, Elena Prado, WM2006-04
Support: 16/Oct/2007, Rachel Gaulton/Tim Malthus, GB06/05
Support: 22/Jan/2007, Mohammed Haq (Mark Cutler), GB04/29
Support: 28/Jan/2008, Johanna Breyer (Pete Bunting), GB06-11
Support: 28/Mar/2008, Chris Hecker, WM06/06
Support: 16/Apr/2008, Jon Atherton, (no project code)
Support: 18/Apr/2008, Luke Bateson, BGS07/02
Support: 22/Apr/2008, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, EUFAR07/01
Support: 13/Jun/08, John Stevenson, IPY07/02, Lidar interpolation issue
Support: 25/Jun/2008, Thomas Ruhtz, NL08/01
Support: 26/June/2008, Chris Hecker, WM06/06 + ET07/05
Support: 3/Jul/08, John Stevenson, IPY07/02, general ATM queries
Support: 25/Jul/08, Andrew Wilson, Alignment error in delivered data
Support: 5/Nov/2008, Li Zhang, no code (old data)
Support: 8/Dec/2008, Turkia Almoustafa, GB08/03
Support: 8/Dec/2008, Abdulwasey Mohammed, GB06/07
Support: 17/Dec/08, Hassan Khavarian, Problems with azgcorr, queries about atmospheric correction
LiDAR Calibration Issues - Software