Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 432)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#31 qcdisplay 437 segfault on raw ATM data mggr bug alpha 4 high qcdisplay
#35 Support: 06/July/2007, Peter North, ? mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#38 Support: 16/July/2007, Richard Teeuw (+Chris Hecker), WM mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#42 Support: 20/July/2007, Chris Hecker, WM2006/06 mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#43 Point cloud conversion in azgcorr mggr bug alpha 4 high azgcorr
#44 azgcorr 7-point Bursa-Wolff datum transformations not working correctly mggr bug alpha 5 azgcorr
#56 Support: 01/Oct/2007, Johanna Breyer, GB06-11 mggr support immediate Support
#65 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#66 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#67 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#68 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#69 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#71 Support: 22/Oct/2007, Elena Prado, WM2006-04 benj support immediate Support
#73 Specim sync errors mggr bug immediate Processing: general
#86 Azatm always reports scan rate as 50.0 when processing benj bug alpha 4 high az* programs
#101 Support: 22/Jan/2007, Mohammed Haq (Mark Cutler), GB04/29 sbg support immediate Support
#102 Support: 28/Jan/2008, Johanna Breyer (Pete Bunting), GB06-11 mggr support immediate Support
#105 Hawk FODIS seems uncalibrated benj task alpha 5 Data collection
#106 Hawk data very noisy in some bands benj task alpha 5 Data collection
#107 Eagle/Hawk spectrums misaligned benj task immediate Data collection
#108 Support: 28/Mar/2008, Chris Hecker, WM06/06 mggr support immediate Support
#110 Azspec processed Hawk data has spectral spikes mggr bug immediate az* programs
#115 ATM bands marked bad suspiciously mggr bug immediate az* programs
#116 azgcorr seg fault mggr bug alpha 4 medium az* programs
#119 Difference between Azspec and Caligeo processed Hawk data benj bug alpha 5 az* programs
#121 Azatm -cuo option seemingly not working benj bug whenever az* programs
#128 Support: 16/Apr/2008, Jon Atherton, (no project code) mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#129 Support: 18/Apr/2008, Luke Bateson, BGS07/02 benj support alpha 4 high Support
#130 Support: 22/Apr/2008, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, EUFAR07/01 mggr support immediate Support
#133 FODIS processing appears incorrect mggr bug immediate az* programs
#166 Support: 13/Jun/08, John Stevenson, IPY07/02, Lidar interpolation issue benj support alpha 5 Support
#168 Overflow handling in azspec mggr bug immediate az* programs
#171 Support: 25/Jun/2008, Thomas Ruhtz, NL08/01 mggr support immediate Support
#172 Support: 26/June/2008, Chris Hecker, WM06/06 + ET07/05 mggr support immediate Support
#182 Support: 3/Jul/08, John Stevenson, IPY07/02, general ATM queries mggr support immediate Support
#189 Black flecks in ATM data benj bug alpha 4 medium Processing: general
#198 Southern hemisphere processing not working benj bug immediate az* programs
#199 Unable to re-interpolate nav on old level 1 HDF files benj bug alpha 5 az* programs
#200 Atmospheric correction investigation mggr task alpha 4 high ARSF
#201 Support: 5/Nov/2008, Li Zhang, no code (old data) mggr support immediate Support
#203 Support: 8/Dec/2008, Turkia Almoustafa, GB08/03 mggr support immediate Support
#204 Support: 8/Dec/2008, Abdulwasey Mohammed, GB06/07 mggr support immediate Support
#222 Azsite segfaults if critical items are blank benj bug alpha 4 medium az* programs
#225 Specim synchronisation error mggr bug alpha 5 az* programs
#232 Validate 2009 calibration mggr task immediate ARSF
#249 Rescaling dark frames causes calibration errors benj bug alpha 5 az* programs
#250 Create program to rescale dark file benj task immediate PML utilities
#256 Hawk contains dark stripes benj Data problem immediate Data collection
#262 IPY09/11, flight day 218/2009, Helheim knpa flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving
#263 IPY09/11, flight day 219/2009, Helheim knpa flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving
#273 EU09/06, flight day 224b/2009, Vatna_01H asm flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving
#287 Azspec adds extra blank lines to the end of some level 1 files benj bug alpha 4 low az* programs
#297 no fence causes crash on second load attempt emca bug alpha 4 high LAG
#298 using fence causes flight line colours to change chrfi bug alpha 4 low LAG
#299 loading file x then adding file y causes an error message chrfi bug alpha 4 high LAG
#301 flightline not displayed after loading emca bug whenever LAG
#302 when zooming on overview and profile pixels jiggle harg bug alpha 5 LAG
#303 ASCII file reading default format code needed harg enhancement alpha 4 low LAG
#304 File appears black when opened harg bug alpha 4 high LAG
#305 select point show info harg enhancement alpha 4 medium LAG
#306 flightline caching and memory optimization chrfi enhancement alpha 4 high LAG
#307 real time point slection while draging cursor emca enhancement alpha 4 medium LAG
#308 fedora 12 missing text under buttons emca bug alpha 4 low LAG
#309 button to restore profile window harg enhancement alpha 5 LAG
#310 have multiple resolution versions of quadtree stored at one time chrfi enhancement alpha 5 LAG
#311 drawing the flight lines increases main memory usage emca bug immediate LAG
#312 Diagonal Fences chrfi enhancement immediate LAG
#315 Boresight, flight day 060/2010, Little rissington flight processing immediate Processing: general
#318 LAG crashes when a profile is selected that contains no points. harg bug alpha 4 high LAG
#319 Boresight, flight day 026a/2008, Ethiopia knpa flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving
#320 Highlight selected point harg enhancement alpha 4 medium LAG
#326 fence causes colour by height to break emca bug immediate LAG
#327 distance and colour scales emca enhancement alpha 5 LAG
#328 user controled height colouring emca enhancement alpha 5 LAG
#334 colour by height cross section scroll emca enhancement alpha 4 low LAG
#347 DEM generation script fails on long lines iopa bug alpha 4 high PML utilities
#360 EU10/03, flight day 234a/2010, Lake Balaton (East) Area A knpa flight processing alpha 5 Archiving
#367 EUFAR10/01 (AIMWETLAB), flight day 253b/2010, Lake Balaton Peninsula flight processing alpha 4 high Processing: general
#398 GB11/00, flight day 109/2011, Little Riss emca flight processing immediate Processing: general
#469 ET12/17, flight day 320/2012, Corbetti benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving
#472 ET12/18, flight day 319/2012, Rift flight processing alpha 4 medium Processing: general
#484 GB13/05, flight day 144/2013, Glenmore flight processing alpha 4 low Processing: general
#486 IG13/21, flight day 198/2013, Helheim benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving
#488 IG13/16, flight day 201b/2013, KNS benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving
#490 IG13/16, flight day 203b/2013, KNS benj flight processing alpha 4 high Archiving
#492 IG13/12, flight day 206a/2013, Langjokull benj flight processing alpha 4 medium Archiving
#493 IG13/12, flight day 206b/2013, Langjokull tipo flight processing alpha 4 medium Processing: general
#510 GB14/00, flight day 067/2014, Little Rissington stgo flight processing immediate Processing: LIDAR
#519 GB12/04, flight day 083/2014, Eaves Wood knpa flight processing immediate Processing: general
#546 RG13/06, flight day 289/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#547 RG13/06, flight day 290/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#548 RG13/06, flight day 291/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#549 RG13/06, flight day 293/2014, SAFE Area flight processing immediate Processing: general
#550 RG13/06, flight day 294/2014, SAFE Area flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#552 RG13/06, flight day 297/2014, SAFE Area flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#553 RG13/06, flight day 298/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#554 RG13/06, flight day 302a/2014, Maliau Basin flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#555 RG13/06, flight day 288/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#556 RG13/06, flight day 303/2014, Maliau Basin flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#558 MA14/21, flight day 296/2014, Sepilok flight processing whenever Processing: general
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