Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 432)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1 Automatic CASI RGB TIF production mggr task whenever PML utilities
#2 Support: 15/May/2007, Rachel Gaulton, GB06/05 mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#3 processing:154 wm06-04-Madrid-3/6/2006 amro flight processing alpha 5 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#4 154 wm06-04-Madrid-3/6/2006 amro flight processing whenever 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#5 144-WM06-11 Rio Tinto mggr flight processing alpha 4 medium 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#6 271-WM06-17-Vigo amro flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#7 271-WM06-17-Vigo amro flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#8 271-WM06-17-Vigo mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#9 BSEQ dump produces incorrect ENVI header mggr bug whenever azexhdf
#10 Access to OS vector overlays mggr enhancement alpha 5 The Glorious Future ARSF
#11 SCbedit & BSEQ/BIL external files in azgcorr mggr bug alpha 4 high azgcorr
#13 Updates to ARSF website gaew task alpha 4 medium 2006 data processing completion ARSF
#14 WM06-09, 158, Sinard (day), 7/6/2006 mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion azimport
#15 GB05-13, 180, Plymouth, 29.06.2006 amro flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#16 157-wm06-09, Sinard, 6.6.2006 anee flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#17 184-GB06-09, Isle of Wight, 3/7/2006 mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#18 144-wm06-13- Rio Tinto 24.6.2006 amro flight processing alpha 4 medium 2006 data processing completion azcaschk2
#20 CD covers and CD label anee task whenever The Glorious Future ARSF
#21 Support: 05/May/2007, John McArthur, ? amro support alpha 4 high Support
#22 Acquire Applanix software amro task alpha 4 high ARSF
#23 Update ARSF ftp site gaew task alpha 4 high 2006 data processing completion ARSF
#25 ARSF website mock up mggr task alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future PML utilities
#27 Support: 15/May/2007, Karl Hennermann, ? mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#29 GB2007/07, flight day 102a/2007, Inverclyde benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#30 138-2006-San Marcos mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#31 qcdisplay 437 segfault on raw ATM data mggr bug alpha 4 high qcdisplay
#32 206-GB05-03-Hardwood mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#33 BGS2007/02, flight day 172/2007 mggr flight processing immediate 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#34 138-jitter ATM sbg flight processing alpha 4 high 2006 data processing completion ARSF
#35 Support: 06/July/2007, Peter North, ? mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#36 WM2006/07, flight day 159/2006 amro flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#37 azspec filepaths too short benj bug alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future azspec
#38 Support: 16/July/2007, Richard Teeuw (+Chris Hecker), WM mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#39 Acquire 2007 radiometric calibration mggr task immediate 2007 data processing completion ARSF
#40 IPY2007/01 gaew flight collection alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Data collection
#41 IPY2007/04 part A gaew flight collection alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Data collection
#42 Support: 20/July/2007, Chris Hecker, WM2006/06 mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#43 Point cloud conversion in azgcorr mggr bug alpha 4 high azgcorr
#44 azgcorr 7-point Bursa-Wolff datum transformations not working correctly mggr bug alpha 5 azgcorr
#45 Import flight schedule info into wiki mggr task alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Metadata
#46 Investigate PARGE mggr task alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future ARSF
#47 GB2004/19, flight day 102b/2007, Nigg Bay mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#48 GB2005/02, flight day 109a/2007, Dee Estuary mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#49 GB2007/05, flight day 103a/2007, Loch Leven mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#50 GB2007/05, flight day 103b/2007, Loch Leven mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#51 GB2007/05, flight day 103c/2007, Loch Leven mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#52 GB2007/07, flight day 191a/2007, Inverclyde mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#53 CEH2007/01 (GB2007/12), flight day 240/2007, Buckingham mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#54 GB2007/05, flight day 116a/2007, Windermere mggr flight processing alpha 5 2007 data processing completion Archiving
#56 Support: 01/Oct/2007, Johanna Breyer, GB06-11 mggr support immediate Support
#57 CEH2007/06 (GB2007/12), flight day 192c/2007, Didcott anee flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#58 CEH2007/05 (GB2007/12), flight day 171a/2007, Wytham woods anee flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#59 CEH2007/05 (GB2007/12), flight day 73/2007, Wytham Woods anee flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#60 GB2007/05, flight day 234d/2007, Loch Leven mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#61 GB2007/05, flight day 234b/2007, Loch Leven mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#62 GB2007/05, flight day 234a/2007, Windermere/Esthwaite mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#63 GB2006/07, flight day 241a/2007, Silver Flowe mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#64 GB2007/07, flight day 241b/2007, Inverclyde mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#65 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#66 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#67 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#68 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#69 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#70 Test radiometric calibration mggr task alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion ARSF
#71 Support: 22/Oct/2007, Elena Prado, WM2006-04 benj support immediate Support
#72 Boresight calibration metaticket anee task alpha 4 medium 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#73 Specim sync errors mggr bug immediate Processing: general
#74 Support: 16/Oct/2007, Rachel Gaulton/Tim Malthus, GB06/05 benj support immediate 2007 data processing completion Support
#75 Acquire 2008 radiometric calibration mggr task immediate 2008 data processing completion ARSF
#76 Arrange availability of NextMap DEMs for 2008 data distribution mggr task alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion ARSF
#77 Boresight and lever arm mggr task alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion ARSF
#78 NEODC archiving mggr task alpha 4 medium 2006 data processing completion Archiving
#79 GB2004/11, flight day 261/2007, Plymouth mggr flight processing alpha 5 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#80 GB2005/03, flight day 254a/2007, Harwood mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#81 Eagle radiometric calibration mismatch mggr bug immediate 2007 data processing completion az* programs
#82 GB2004/03, flight day 171a/2007, Huntingdon/Cambridge mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#83 GB2007/06, flight day 192b/2007, New Forest mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#84 GB2007/06, flight day 192a/2007, Dorchester mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#85 GB2007/03, flight day 233/2007, "Four Welsh sites" mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#86 Azatm always reports scan rate as 50.0 when processing benj bug alpha 4 high az* programs
#87 Aznav omits initial 0 on grid references starting with 0 benj bug alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future az* programs
#88 Restricting level 1 processing by scan line causes error mggr bug alpha 4 high The Glorious Future az* programs
#89 BGS07/02, flight day 248/2007, Latera mggr flight processing alpha 5 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#90 Experiment with and compare processed LIDAR to NextMAP benj task alpha 4 high The Glorious Future Processing: LIDAR
#92 IPY07/11, flight day 200/2007, Helheim+Kanger mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#93 IPY07/10, flight day 201/2007, Russell Glacier mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#94 IPY07/10, flight day 203/2007, Russell Glacier mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#95 IPY07/10, flight day 204/2007, Russell Glacier mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#96 IPY07/11, flight day 205a/2007, Helheim mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#97 IPY07/11, flight day 205b/2007, Kanger mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Processing: general
#100 Geotiff viewer crashes on loading ENVI-produced Geotiff anch task alpha 4 medium 2008 data processing completion PML utilities
#101 Support: 22/Jan/2007, Mohammed Haq (Mark Cutler), GB04/29 sbg support immediate Support
#102 Support: 28/Jan/2008, Johanna Breyer (Pete Bunting), GB06-11 mggr support immediate Support
#104 HDF read-only access benj enhancement alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future az* programs
#105 Hawk FODIS seems uncalibrated benj task alpha 5 Data collection
#106 Hawk data very noisy in some bands benj task alpha 5 Data collection
#107 Eagle/Hawk spectrums misaligned benj task immediate Data collection
#108 Support: 28/Mar/2008, Chris Hecker, WM06/06 mggr support immediate Support
#109 Output of ground coordinates in azgcorr mggr enhancement alpha 5 The Glorious Future az* programs
#110 Azspec processed Hawk data has spectral spikes mggr bug immediate az* programs
1 2 3 4 5
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